Last of the clips from the last couple of months. Miss everyone already <3 See you soon… - Matt Caratelli.
Previously: Matt Caratelli (Australia) - Summer 2021 Edit.
Towns: Brisbane | Sydney. Skaters: Robert Kellett | Tien Nguyen | Cj Wellsmore.
Last of the clips from the last couple of months. Miss everyone already <3 See you soon… - Matt Caratelli.
Previously: Matt Caratelli (Australia) - Summer 2021 Edit.
17 & under
AWARDS: “Don’t call it a comeback”: Josh Clarke, “Judges choice”: Brock Midgley, “Most progressive”: Josh Nielsen, “Best trick”: Adam Davidson, “Best video”: Glenn Beardmore, “Best style”: Martin Gade.
Sponsors: SkaterHQ, Rampant Skate Shop, Skate Society, Shred City Skates, Skate Connection, Lucky Skates WA, World of Wheelcraft.
The Few Studio (web) hosted this year’s Australian Rolling Open online, and broadcasted all the entries (PLAY). Here is Josh Nielsen entry for the event, you can find more entries on Youtube.
The Australia New Zealand rolling open was a inline skating ramp and skate championship organized by The Few. The event was supported by some of Australia’s best skate shops: Bayside blades, Rampant, Skater HQ, World of Wheelcraft, Lucky skates, Shred city, Extremeskates, Skate Society & Skate Connection.
Previously: Cj Wellsmore - Australian Rolling Open 2021.
The Few Studio (web) hosted this year’s Australian Rolling Open online, and broadcasted all the entries (PLAY). Here is Cj Wellsmore edit for the event, you can find more entries on Youtube.
ANZ Rolling Open 2021, The Australia and New Zealand inline skating rolling park and ramp open. Photo: Ray Thomas.
Boundaries starring: Martin Gade. Filming: Glenn Beardmore, Andy Plumridge, Robert Kellett. Editing: Glenn Beardmore. Music: Electric Wizard - Funeralopolis. Location: Melbourne, Australia.
Previously: GcVII: The Lab Leak // Melbourne, Australia (2021) featuring Sam Nichols, Zac Hutchings, Lucy, Andy Plumridge, George Sarantoulias, Daniel Garcia, Chris Pullar, Matt Caratelli, Tim Bradley & Martin Gade.
“A project of myself and Blade Smart filmed over Winter in Perth, Western Australia”. - Mike Anderson.
Follow Cj Wellsmore on his journey through the tropical islands, chilling and shredding local skateparks.
Night Moves Part II. Shot in Sydney, Australia. Featuring Rian Arnold, Josh Nielsen, Alan Dick, Scott Crawford, Josh Butler, Craig Brocklehurst, Toby Yau, Cj Wellsmore, Dom West, Gav Drumm & Tien Nguyen. Music: Timecop.
Night Move, Part I (2017) - PLAY.
Clips for a recent session before skateparks closed again in Melbourne, Australia. We had a great session even though the wind was insane! - Joe Stuart.