Filmed over 5 days across Brisbane & Sydney. The motivation was to stack clips by hitting as many spots as possible each day. Massive thanks to Phil Moss for hosting me in Sydney. Shout out to the boys who filmed or encouraged me during the sessions. I hope you enjoy! - James Mcerlain.
Filmed by: Robert Kellett, Phil Moss & Josh Nielsen. Edited by: James McErlain & Rob Kellett. TRACK: FlowerBoyDemii - Iris. Proudly supported by Rampant Skateshop, Stay Rolling Co & Create Originals.
Is it a Shifty or a Royale - The history of the Shifty Royale Grind Aggressive inline skating tricks. I ask people like Scott Crawford and Josh Clarke the question. - Joe Stuart - [PLAY].
Well, where to begin… after 9 years of riding on the Remz Australia team, I feel it’s finally time to move on. I’d like to thank Remz Australia and Reds Distribution for their continued support over the years. Having your support from a young age in my skating career has given me motivation, self belief and drive to push harder and better myself in all aspects of my skating. I am forever grateful for all the skates you’ve sent me over the years, each of which house a lot of great memories skating with my friends in various places of the world.
To take a final look back, I’ve put together this video featuring some of my favourite clips over the years. Some because of the tricks themselves, others because of the the filming or the memories associated with that moment in time. I hope y’all enjoy this one! Here’s to the future! New horizons, wherever they may lead! Peace & Love y’all! - Rob Kellett.
Filmed by: James McErlain, Josh Nielsen, Nat Ogden, Zac Hutchings, Dave Russell. Music: HDSN - Life was different with you.
I love riding mega ramps and I love playing golf, but I never thought I would get the chance to do them both in the same day. My buddy Scotty Crawford and I took a trip down to the Megaranch in Melbourne to do exactly that! - Chris Haffey (PLAY).
Scott Crawford was in town for the Mega Ramp and Josh Clarke set up a skate meet at Chelsea Skatepark for everyone to have a session before Scott headed back home. A fun session of aggressive inline skating was had by all - PLAY.
Joe Stuart also made a pretty cool website called
I’ve been a very active skater this year and rightly so, given the warm weather and the fact that I had some catching up to do after being forced to take it easy for a little while when I broke my elbow in November, just before my 40th birthday.
After releasing a compilation of 68 clips shot during 2021 crammed into 5 minutes, I found myself with a reasonable amount of decent 2022 footage pretty quickly so here is precisely 3 months worth, shot between January 3rd and April 3rd and beat-matched for 4 minutes. I’ve always wanted to pair the band Tool with skating but so far this remix of A Perfect Circle’s “The Outsider” is the closest I’ve come, though fans of the album Lateralus may recognize the opening sound effect. We’ll see who will be the first to pick up on the music used over the closing logo.
Featuring footage of inline and quad tricks in the streets and skateparks, including quite a bit at my local in Prahran, it wasn’t until I was writing this caption that I went through and counted the clips and, through sheer coincidence, this video has exactly 40. - Chris Pullar.
Thanks to the filmers; Josh, Callum, SK, Garry, Andy, Zac, Casey, Martin, Brad, Keeks and Khrys, and to Bayside Blades skate shop for supporting the Australian scene for the last 19 years and hooking me up for over a decade. Photo.
Previously: Chris Pullar (40, Australia) - 2021 Showreel.
PARALLEL presents “TANNERY”. The Tannery AKA Preston DIY is one of the only community-built skateparks in Australia. Since the start of Covid-19, with skateparks closed across Victoria, many people have been making their way to the DIY. This has created a core crew that likes to get it done!! Due to stage 4 lockdowns and a heavy police presence, we are going postpone works for the moment but want to keep up the momentum once we can get back into it. You can support the Tannery project on Gofundme.
Gav Drumm,
Andrew Plumridge,
Jarrod Thackeray &
Josh Clarke. Filmed by: Andy Plumridge & Jarrod Thackeray. Edited by: Jarrod Thackeray. Visit
“So much for a sunny summer drive back to Sydney! Instead we got hit with what has become the wettest summer Australia has ever seen. This however definitely didn’t affect our spirits. It has been An unforgettable memory shared with the gorgeous Ely before she flew back to Canada”. - Cj Wellsmore - [PLAY] - skating at 7:00.
I’m 40 years old, been skating for over 30 and rolled more last year than I have any other year for the last 20 and am a more capable skater now than I have ever been. My longstanding self-imposed rule is to land at least one trick at each place I go that I haven’t done there before and I’ve been skating so often lately that since the beginning of July every time I had wheels on, even if I didn’t film a trick, I made a habit of getting a clip of my feet everywhere I went to keep track of my adventures.
A lot of my maneuvers were posted my social media story and a bunch ended up in the two videos I submitted for the inline and quad skatepark edit contests I took part in, after my elbow injury derailed my plans, but I finished the year with so much material that I decided to do something I’ve never done: make a big compilation of my footage. I’ve never had a legitimate “section” or profile more than a minute or so long, so this is somewhat of a milestone for me.

My girlfriend Casey has had a massive influence on my skating as far as where, when, how and what I skate in, which is everywhere, frequently, clean and sometimes in quad skates. She holds me accountable for sloppy landings and I am lucky to have her around, and she filmed a bunch of this along with Joe Stuart, Darcy Raine, Callum Cochrane, Paul Kreutzer, Matt Caratelli, Nick Petropoulos, Garry Manfroid, Phil Campbell, Zac Hutchings, Keeks Vaughan, Corey Neil, Hannah Valante, Danni Ducci, Simon Kelly, Josh Clarke, Varun Jani, Khrys Nadstazik, Leeroy Jenkins, Cam Vilnis Lawrence, Trent Phillips, Liv McNamara, George Sarantoulias, Ben Child, Glen Beardmore and Johan at Junction Skatepark YMCA. Many thanks to all of these people.
The audio bites at the start were lifted from hugely influential Videogroove blade films from my teenage years; The Bottom Line (the late street skating legend Bryan Bell saying “Groove one!”), VG6 (long bit about world peace) and VG4 (“Sit back, turn up the volume…”), the disclaimer screen was used in VG6 and VG7 and the trumpets from a Gorilla Biscuits record and the Karma To Burn song that I used were both borrowed from the beginning of VG3 as well as the use of the spilt-screen technique. I’ve been wanting to use this track for something for a long time and I was sad to hear that the guitarist Will Mecum died last year; RIP. Big thanks to my filmmaking hero and friend Dave Paine for the videos that inspired and influenced a generation, and thanks to my shop sponsor for over a decade, Bayside Blades, for supporting me and my whole community. I truly hope you get a kick out of this, my 2021 showreel.