What started as a test of new digital adapter for Gags VX at FU*K Winter Session in Railway Maintal indoor skatepark quickly grew into full park project as we continued to get clips throughout various sessions including Area 51, Brüggen and #Bladerfarm.
Skating by: Wirasak ‘Gag’ Ickenroth,
Bastian Thuring,
Dominik Hammer,
Marc Lorra,
Christian Schmeitz &
Jo Zenk.
Hotwheels ; Cologne Crew in Den Bosch (Netherlands) for the Grand Prix VAR 2024 ; organized by Sven Boekhorst. Photo.
Each Crew got 2 hrs to film privately in the same skatepark with the goal to produce a 2:30 max video. Only instruction was to include the tires in some way. Featuring:
Dominik Hammer,
Wirasak Ickenroth,
Bastian Thüring,
Marc Lorra,
Flo Eschner &
Jo Zenk.
This is what we’ve done all of 2022! Sorry for nearly no videos the last year, because we collected everything for this amazing project! - Borklyn Zoo.
STREETDISC is inspired by our BZ StreetTape video (PLAY) - Riders: Eugen Enin, Sven Ischen, Jo Zenk, Bastian Thüring, Tobias Christmann & Vladimir Kocherga.
Juice is everything. Juice is the ultimate form of motivation that lacks all effort or trying. It’s the urban sports wording for a state of flow or rather the energy allowing such a state to exist. At its highest level its providing full focus without force. Providing vision and awareness with a full connection to the present moment allowing no distractions. Being “juiced” allows movements to become increasingly easy and fun as there is full control with complete awareness. Things happen effortlessly, feel better and less dangerous. It brings more laughter, less stress & more energy.

Doing what you love with friends is one of the best ways to find access to this flow of energy. As everything it obviously is not always fully present but comes in waves. There is ups and downs and of course sometimes we have to overcome stressful moments for a great relief. A positive outlook is a helpful strategy. Even in the face of someone trying to get in the way without reason :) Always stay kind and respectful. Juice is the reason for all of our trips and projects. The resulting video is an indirect consequence of this, a bonus so to speak, but don’t mistake it for the goal itself.
This video was shot in Munich (Germany) during 6 long days in october ‘23, the week leading to Ulm City Blade Jam where we premiered it exactly one year later. The trip itself is a brainchild of Harry & Michi while the video is directed & edited by Jo. Featuring: (in order of appearance) Jo Zenk,
Michael Muller &
Harry Can. Photography: Sebastian Hofer.
A few clips from the Ulm City Blade Jam 2024. Mostly warm up clips between runs. A fantastic little event well attended by amazing people from all over Europe (and further!). Already looking forward to next year. Cheers! - Nathan Hadley.
Pro Results
- Jan Gasparic
- Jo Zenk
- Nick Lomax
More clips on Instagram: 2024 highlights starring Nick Lomax + Full Results.
“Judge me, you gods! Wrong I mine enemies? And if not so, how should I wrong a brother?” BRUTUS was shot in NRW, Germany throughout 2023. Massive thanks to anyone involved in the making of this section. Main camera: Daniel Enin & BTK. Additional shots in Cologne by Bastian Thüring. Editing: BTK & Jo Zenk. Grading, Animations: Jo. Thumbnail: AI & Jo.