Gabe Talamantes is one of those skaters that’s been around for a long time but also feels fresh and exciting. He just has a unique style and good eye for tricks. We’ve long ago lost count of the times we’ve run into Gabe at events or sessions, and his status as one of the core Chicago bladers is unquestioned. But when we crossed paths at the 2023 Metro Card Classic last fall, it was pretty obvious that he’d caught the New York bug.

He said something like “I think I want to move here…” and that was the last we thought about it. Then a couple months ago Gabe started posting clips from NYC sessions. Then he was posting random stuff from around the city. Then we remembered what he’d said and it clicked. Sure enough, this longtime resident of the Windy City had packed his boots and rolled to the Big Apple for a change of scenery. It seems like he’s right at home. Quickly plugging in with local friends and skaters, Gabe got to work with Sean Grossman and his recently acquired vintage Sony VX, plus Shawn Graddy on the shutter for photos as they roamed the city for spots. Now the results are here for your blading inspiration in Gabe’s first New York project, fittingly titled “NYC 2024”.
Check the Gabe Talamantes Spotlight on (Photos + Article).
In October 2017, One Mag spent a single afternoon in Manhattan skating with Austin Paz, Ariel Surun and Abdiel Colberg. This is a look at that session and the spirit of blading in the city. Special Guest: Mike Torres.
After the success of Volume 1 we couldn’t help but get our crew and friends together again for another 10 day dose of street skating in the five boroughs. Without further ado we proudly present MESMER NYC VOL.2.
Filmed by Taylor Kobryn and Marc Moreno. Additional filming by Luis Corrales and JP (butterTV). Edited by Marc Moreno. Photo Thread.
“I said it before and I’ll say it again: Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it”. - Ferris Bueller.
Miami, Florida / New York City - After many delays and missed deadlines we finally release this very special piece on a very special day so be sure to wish Justin Brasco a Happy Birthday in the comments.
We’ve spent a short amount of time in Florida to avoid some cold days of a harsh winter then met up for a handful of sessions in our hometown of New York throughout the spring and summer. Some days were simple while others were chaotic and that’s how we love it—spontaneous and unpredictable plus some high blood pressure moments that skating in the city inevitably brings. Enjoy & cheers! - butterTV.
Visit (Photos).
In August 2023, a group of individuals with inhuman strength was witnessed causing disturbances in the city of New New York. Surveillance footage showed the culprits: They were replicants - PLAY.
Replicants, for those unfamiliar, were originally designed as advanced biomechanical beings, created to perform tasks deemed dangerous for humans. Their AI was sophisticated, but it was believed they lacked the human touch – emotions, consciousness, and free will. But the events unfolding in New York suggested otherwise… Featuring: John Bolino, Eugen Enin & Yuto Goto.