Aaron Feinberg (19) - Alleyoop Soul. Salomon Ad (2000). Miami, Florida. Photo.
Aaron Feinberg (19) - Alleyoop Soul. Salomon Ad (2000). Miami, Florida. Photo.
Bodega Boys spring training down at the Del Boca Vista Corner Store & Deli located in Miami, FL. Drawing on his South Bronx connections, unknown Montanan moose hunter Cameron Talbott proved his bodega bona-fides and qualified for the 2022 season.
Featuring: Cameron Talbott, Mike Torres, Augusto Castillo, Jeremy Raff & Edwin Rodriguez. A video by Jeremy Raff.
Previously: Cash Only (NYC, 2022) by Jeremy Raff & Mike Torres.
“I had the opportunity to return the favor and film my close friends down in Miami these last two years”. - Yandriel Silverio.
Starring: Humberto Clavijo & Carlos Claveria. Including Skating from: Yandriel Silverio Edgar Portilla, Luis Corrales, Jose Delgado, Yorbis & Jonathan Irarrazabal.
Tom Moyse posted a video about Salomon, and the recent events on social medias. The Salomon part is at 5:52 - PLAY.
Video posted by Salomon on May 13, 2022 - Remembering the Salomon “Freedom Action Sports” era - Board Culture, Inline Skating & Wingsuit Rollerblading part at 4:28
The video features a Vinny Minton Interview, and show skating clips of Aaron Fienberg & Joe Atkinson.
Salomon speaks about the fact that people still skates Salomon, showing the #IstillskateSalomons hashtag on Instagram, quoting the Ricardo Lino video called “You are killing our industry” (Video on Youtube: PLAY).
Salomon also shared 3 posts on Instagram ( 01 | 02 | 03) , displaying a blading mosaic on Instagram.com/salomon ; sharing clips of Joe Atkinson, Vinny Minton, Julien Cudot & more.
First Post: “So every day, the skating community asks us if we’ll bring the STs back? Well no, but our legacy still lives on thanks to the amazing skating community”.
Franky Morales Invitational 2020, Montgomery Monsters Edit - PLAY
Franky Morales Invitational 2022 - Results.
Up: Demetrios George - Photo: Montgomery Monsters.