Mesmer: Amsterdarm, the First Days - Levi van Rijn. Filmed and edited by Cavin Brinkman.
Mesmer presents “XXX”, our most recent trip down the rabbit hole. This was a 3 day trip in Holland with some of the team after Winterclash. We were surprised with sunny weather during what is normally a cold and rainy time of the year, so we took advantage. Enjoy!
Featuring: Gabriel Adriani, Levi van Rijn, Dominic Bruce, John Bolino, Marc Moreno, Billy O’Neill, Sjoerd Peters & Davy Wouda. Filmed by Marc Moreno. Additional cameras: JP Primiano, Cavin Brinkman. Edited by Marc Moreno.
The Mesmer team is back in New York City and brought the whole team this time. Mesmer NYC: Volume 1 is just the first installment of a series of videos to come from the Mesmer team in the Big Apple. The entire team made it out for this one, as well as some new friends.
Featuring: Dominic Bruce, John Bolino, Marc Moreno, Levi van Rijn, Martin Danning, Dennis Lopez, Gabriel Adriani, James Kobryn, Billy O’Neill, Luis Corrales, Amber Rivera, Matty Schrock, Taylor Popham & Devin Szydlowski. Filmed by: Taylor Kobryn. Additional cameras: Martin Danning, Levi Van Rijn, Marc Moreno. Edited by: Taylor Kobryn & Marc Moreno. Titles by Pablo Estarriaga.
Mesmer started to upload HD version of their promo videos.
John Bolino - Mesmer Skates Promo
SLOW ROAST - Luis Corrales & Matty Schrock
STORM IN BCN - Levi van Rijn & Friends
Levi van Rijn on the new TREE bearings in the streets of Amsterdam. A video by Plastic Pushers. Visit Tr33.shop. Music: GAG - Prison Wife.
Previously: Mesmer Rising (2021) - Skate Dreams Forever starring: John Bolino, Dominic Bruce, Levi van Rijn, Marc Moreno & Billy O’Neill.
Wisse Ankersmit (known from his sick part in PP1 - PLAY) recently made the good decision to move to Amsterdam so we thought why not give the man a proper introduction. We filmed this right after the release of PP2 (PLAY) until the weather got bad or to dark.
Featuring in this edit are some of Wisse’s friends: Randy Abels, Dominik Wagner, Ralf vn de Kerkhof and Adrian Deck. Wisse represents BURNSIDE skateshop and patspang. Music: Big-L - Street Struck, 912 - Sloth.