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Kirill Kochetkov wins the S3t Moscow, Street Contest 2022. Petr Gomma won the children’s contest at the first spot.
More clips on Instagram.com/s3tmoscow_contest.
S3t 2021 contest in Moscow, featuring Egor Loginov, Ilya Savosin, Kirill Kochetkov & more!
Previously: S3T Moscow 2021 - Winner: Egor Loginov (Raw Clips + Photo Gallery).
S3t Contest in Moscow (August 2017). Featuring: Eugen Enin, Vova Turkin, Kirill Galushko, Sergei Golovushkin, Anton Bobrovsky, Egor Loginov, Renat Gallyamov, Gosha Obydennikov, Serega Sotskov, Andrey Skvortsov & Kolya Belov. Shooting and editing Alexander Boytsov.
Camera: Panasonic g6 Kit. Music: Francois MAIGRET - Flowers Explosion, Francois MAIGRET - On The Road Again, Francois MAIGRET - Good Old Times.
Previously: Eugen Enin - Winner of the S3t Moscow 2017 - Edit by Alexander Boytsov.
Eugen Enin, winner of the S3t Moscow 2017 (August 19, Russia) - Edit by Alexander Boytsov.
Camera: Panasonic g6 Kit. Music: Bill Schultz - Give It Up - Rock.
More goodies on vk.com/s3tmoscow.