Aaron Schultz coverage of the Windy City Riot, 2023 Edition.
Edit (5:00)
Raw Clips (40:00)
Windy City Riot 2023: Swagjacker1 Edit | Edit by Hawke Trackler + Results.
Aaron Schultz coverage of the Windy City Riot, 2023 Edition.
Edit (5:00)
Raw Clips (40:00)
Windy City Riot 2023: Swagjacker1 Edit | Edit by Hawke Trackler + Results.
Raw Clips of the Windy City Riot, XXth Anniversary Edition by Aaron Schultz.
Windy City Riot 2021 - July 17th 2021.
Best Trick: Yandriel Silverio.
Previously: Windy City Riot 2021 - Two Decades, Edit by Butter TV.
Huge thank you to Dave Depew for running the show, Juan for throwing bands, Dave again for having bands at his house for the afterparty, and Joe/Chris for housing the rabbits. - Aaron Schultz.
Best Trick: Kevin Lubovich.
Do the Thing Diaries, with Cj Wellsmore and Joe Atkinson: Bittercold Showdown 2023 and Session with Paul John in Chicago.
Aaron Schultz already released a full edit of the Windy City Riot, 2022 edition, here are the raw clips of the events! 30 good minutes of pure enjoyable skating.
Previously: 2022 Windy City Riot, by Aaron Schultz + Results.
2022 Windy City Riot featuring: Anthony Volkart, Brad Magnuson, Cedric Tippett, Chad Anthony, Chase Linzmeyer, Chris Mccormick, Dallas Kilpatrick, David Walsh, Dwight Harding, Jared Reddrick, Joe Smith, Jordan, Josh Cardenas, Josh Dubman, Luke Belding, Michael Froemling, Paul John, Tri Tri Rudolf, Troy Beyer, Yandriel Silverio, Dave Depew & April Nesler.
Music: Chance the Rapper - Do You Remember & Hot Shower.