Who the Fudge Is Adrian Deck (2022) by Ricardo Lino (Interview + Skating Clips).
Thumbnail Photo by Bee Amour.
Who the Fudge Is Adrian Deck (2022) by Ricardo Lino (Interview + Skating Clips).
Thumbnail Photo by Bee Amour.
Rollerblade Pro, Razors Pro and Adapt pro, The Atlanta local, Julian Bah has been a top pro aggressive inline skater since the early 2000s and he is still going strong.
My first memory of Julian Bah, was “this kid doing a huge 180 in a street contest in Atlanta”, a few months went by and he was announced as a SKATEPILE team skater, a few more months and Julian was part of team Rollerblade and Fiziks frames, this was only the beginning. Julian’s skate career has been full of ups and downs, from amazing video parts in several videos to some “blade drama”.
In 2018 he is still on top of the game and I’m excited to share this Skate Talk with all of you. Why did you got fired from rollerblade? What happened between you and Coco Sanchez? How was it living in the Razors house? How did you become part of the Adapt skates pro team? All of these and lot more questions were answered during this 100 minutes skate talk with one of the most influential skating individuals in 2018.
Video on Youtube | Visit Jvaughn.co.
Dom West is a 31 year old British skater and cinematographer living in Sidney, Australia.
Dom’s work has become some of the Best Skating video pieces ever done, from working with some of the world’s top skaters to the choosing epic locations, Dom seems to have a special eye.
How did you get into filming? What filming gear do you use? Best 5 skaters to take on a trip with you? What’s a normal Dom West day like? Do you like bananas? All of these and lot more questions were answered during this 72 minute skate talk with one of the most influential skating individuals in 2018.
Bobi Spassov started skating at the age of 7 and competed at the X-Games at the age of 12. After a 7 year break due to some trouble youth problems, Bobi is nowadays known for his progressive style of skating, with a unique way of spinning and lots of creative and “always in control” maneuvers.
But what a lot of people don’t know is that Bobi started as a Vert skater and only started street skating 3 years ago. How did you get into skating? what skates will skate next? How did you end up competing in the X games? all of these and lot more questions were answered during this 97 minutes skate talk with one of the most influential skating individuals in 2018.
Jon Fromm is a 28 years old pro skater born and raised in Florida. Jon has been skating for 17 years. With sponsors like Razors, Sic wheels and Ground Control, he is also an engineer which also allow him to travel the world even more. How did you get into skating? How did you start skating for razors? How did you end up Touring South Africa? all of these and lot more questions were answered during this 99 minutes skate talk with one of the most influential skating individuals in 2018.
Is Alex Broskow going to skate for Them? That was one of my questions to Jon Julio. A few days after the death of Valo, Jon Julio announced his new venture, a 100% skater owner aggressive inline skating brand, THEM skates.
Until here it all seems perfect, but to start a skate brand with a low budget it’s not as simple as most of the skaters might think. In this podcast, Jon and I talked about the adversities and the plans for the FUTURE of his new brand. - Ricardo Lino.