Leon Basin skating the new Wizard Advanced Frames. Shot in Victoria, BC, Canada. Filming and editing by Taylor Ritchie. Visit Wizardskating.com.
Leon Basin skating the new Wizard Advanced Frames. Shot in Victoria, BC, Canada. Filming and editing by Taylor Ritchie. Visit Wizardskating.com.
Featuring Dustin Werbeski, Brandon Calleja, Leon Basin, Taylor Ritchie & Jimmy Key. Filmed by Brandon Calleja & Barbara Werbeski. Edited by Dustin Werbeski.
The video is out, you can get it on Sellfy ($6.34+).
Five local Canadian rollerbladers travel through the Interior and Okanagan of British Columbia to discover primitive inline movements. Featuring: Todd McInerney, Colin Brattey, Stuart Brattey, Joey McGarry & Leon Basin.
The legendary spots outside Montreal Olympic Stadium. Featuring rollerblading, skateboarding, parkour & BMX. Bladers: Ian Brown, Mathieu Ledoux, Austin Paz, Jon Julio, Ivan Narez, Franco Cammayo, Diego Guilloud, Victor Arias, Felix Guzman, Taylor Ritchie, Eric Perkett, Alex Broskow, Brandon Smith, Chris Haffey, Rob Thompson, Richie Eisler, Brian Shima, Selwin Briggs & Neou Men.
A compilation by Scoreback (Youtube Channel).
up: Monster Tricks! Felix Guzman, Brian Shima & Eric Perkett at the Imyta 6 (2002) - Montreal (Canada). Check this photo & video featuring this insane gap by Felix Guzman.
Freeskating by Night ; the whole Nomadeshop team went in Nantes (France) to shot this full speed video. Featuring: Diako Diaby, Victor Nguyen, Antony Pottier, Warren Digne & Frederic Bukowski. A video by Cedric Duchemin.