X-Mas Jam 2021, in Hamburg, Germany. Organized by Rollon Hamburg. Clips by Patrick Kramer. - PLAY.

X-Mas Jam 2021, in Hamburg, Germany. Organized by Rollon Hamburg. Clips by Patrick Kramer. - PLAY.
L.O.W Skate Academy Denmark & SkatePro teamed up to visit the annual Xmas Jam Rollerblading Competition in Hamburg (Germany) at I-Punkt Skateland.
Our riders Trine, Felix Fälling & coach Jacob Juul took some of the students on the trip to experience a real competition. Check the video - it’s filled with great vibes and talented bladers. Videographer: Julius Sønderhave.
Previously: XMas Jam 2017 (Hamburg in Roh) - Blading Deutschland x Borklyn Zoo.
Blading Deutschland x Borklyn Zoo, coverage of the X-Mas Jam 2017, in Hamburg (Germany) at the I-Punkt Hall. Featuring: with Eugen Enin, Sven Ischen, Jo Zenk, Jaro Frijn, Jelle Briggeman, Sem Croft, Randy Zoller, Francis Ali, Michael Muller, Jacob Juul, Erik Droogh, Nils Rinas & more!
Live-Berichterstattung des Außenkorrespondenten Borklyn vom 2017er Xmas Jam in der Hamburger I-Punkt Halle.
An edit of what went down at the Amsterdam Knockout 2021 organised by Sven Boekhorst’s SB Events during the Amsterdam Urban Sports Week at the House of Urban Sports. I might have missed some tricks but it’s still a pretty good edit. - Niels Bazelmans (Nielsonwheels.eu).
Results - Amsterdam Knockout 2021
You can also check a video edit of the Open Dutch Championships 2021 (october 23rd 2021) here: PLAY.
Rollon Session #10, bladers only @ Ipunkt Skateland (Hamburg, Germany) - 2021 Edit by Tebbe Siems.
Previously: Tebbe Siems (16) - Spring 2021, Street Section - Hamburg, Germany.
ODYSSEIA is a rollerblading skatevideo by Jo Zenk filmed in may 2021 Germany. Harry Can visited Jo Zenk for a while which set the base and framework of this project. They teamed up with Borklyn Zoo superheroes Eugen Enin and Sven Ischen to combine forces on this one.
10 days of skating left us with this 10 minute piece. “10 von 10” as Eugen is shouting few times within this piece prior to knowing his prophecy would become reality in this form.
They climbed Mount Olympus to destroy the gods. Little did they know what powers they’d set free. Prophecies are made before the crew begins their odyssey into the unknown. Not knowing that they would bring the fire back into the valley.
Camera by Harry Can & Jo Zenk. with additional shots and analog photography by Daniel Enin. Featuring Jo Zenk, Harry Can, also Eugen Enin & Sven Ischen.
You can support Jo Zenk on Patreon. Visit Borklynzoo.de.