In-Line Skating in Miami With Hoodpanda (Matt Lyon) - 2021 - With Yandriel Silverio & Friends.
Hood Panda and I set out on our 80mm Compass wheels to live La Vida Loca. Keep in mind this is coming from a fun and entertainment point of view. Enjoy. - Hawke Trackler.
Hawke Trackler & Matt Lyon sure know how to make everything look fun!
Roces Ilya Savosin signature skates. X35 Jurassic Red 3x110. In shops september 2021.
Previously: Ilya Savosin (17) - Up and Comer (2018) - Razors Edit.
It’s time for a showdown with the new by UC Pro Wheel by Chris Calkins from the TV Line. Keep a lower center of gravity with the 80mm - 88A solid profile wheels. Filmed & edited by Daniel Scarano.