Instant Annee - Summertime (France, 2021) - Park Edit by Jonathan Bruneau

Fri, Oct 22, 2021
Instant Annee - Summertime (France, 2021) - Park Edit by Jonathan Bruneau

Summer 2021 with Patrick Francisco, Jonathan Bruneau, Gerald Combaret, Salomon_lovers, Yanik Clatot, Thibaut Vankemmel, Remy Gallet, Kader, et Clément Gognau. Filmed in Châteauroux & Meudon (France).

Instant Annee - Summertime (France, 2021) - Park Edit by Jonathan Bruneau


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See Also

Rendez-Vous (2021, France) by Jonathan Bruneau

Thu, Jul 1, 2021
Rendez-Vous (2021, France) by Jonathan Bruneau

“Rendez-vous” a video by Jonathan Bruneau ( Featuring Patrick Francisco, Jon Bruneau, Nicolas Eymery & more.

Rendez-Vous (2021, France) by Jonathan Bruneau
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Monday Meudon Session Vol.1 (suburbs of Paris, France) by Thibaut Vankemmel (2021)

Thu, Sep 16, 2021
Monday Meudon Session Vol.1 (suburbs of Paris, France) by Thibaut Vankemmel (2021)

After the destruction of the Paris Bercy rollerblade Area, riders gathered in this park, which is one of the only good alternative in Paris. Starring: Samuel Vainquer, Hugo Charpentier, La Goutte, Remi Fontaine, Remy Mgadmi, Stan Andrzej, Gerald Combaret, Thomas Dalbis, Jeremy Dalbis, Zahir Hanaizi, Hugo Ruckly & Yoro Sidibé.

Monday Meudon Session Vol.1 (suburbs of Paris, France) by Thibaut Vankemmel (2021)

Meudon is a municipality in the southwestern suburbs of Paris, France. Its park opened on august 30, 2021 ; if you want to check it here is the address: 92190 Rte du Pavillon l’Abbé Meudon. It is 25km (15 miles) away from Bercy.

Monday Meudon Session Vol.1 (suburbs of Paris, France) by Thibaut Vankemmel (2021)

For those who missed it, the famous Bercy skatepark closed in june 2020, after 17 years of loyal service. The park was in bad shape, and nothing was done about it by the town (even though users & associations reported it). In may 2020, a scooter rider had a serious accident. The rider is fine now, but his injuries were serious. This incident lead the town hall from the 12th district to close the park in may 2020. Flyer.

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Minnie Cassette - Louis Vilar x Etienne Camus VX Tapes (2021, France) - La Roulette Edit by Jeremy Fanfaron

Wed, Jul 7, 2021
Minnie Cassette - Louis Vilar x Etienne Camus VX Tapes (2021, France) - La Roulette Edit by Jeremy Fanfaron

With Jeremy Fanfaron, Etienne Camus, Louis Vilar Gauthier Kawase, Hugues Charpentier, Lilian Puisset, Hugo Renard, Valentin Tuil, Theo Lapeyre & Warren Digne.

Minnie Cassette - Louis Vilar x Etienne Camus VX Tapes (2021, France) - La Roulette Edit by Jeremy Fanfaron

“Minnie Cassette est une vieille fille qui se languissait entre Cruviers Lasqueunque et Montreuil depuis quelques années. Jeremy, qui a un lointain lien de parenté avec cette rombière, ne pouvait cependant se résoudre à la laisser finir ses jours sans lui offrir un dernier tour de piste sur le dancing de La Roulette, et on ne peut que le remercier pour son dévouement”.


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Rémy Gallet (France) - 2017 Leftovers

Thu, Jan 25, 2018
Rémy Gallet (France) - 2017 Leftovers

Little selection of my 2017 clips, filmed by Stan Kogutyak, Tom Thieuleux, Pierre Saporta, Victor Daum, Guillaume Le Gentil & more.

Rémy Gallet (France) - 2017 Leftovers

“Bon vu que je n’ai pas assez filmé cette année je n’ai que ça. Voici un petit récap’ de mon année 2017 sur roulettes. Certaines images sont déjà sorties. Merci quand même a ceux qui m’ont filmé: Stan Kogutyak, Tom Thieuleux, Pierre Saporta, Victor Daum, Guillaume Le Gentil et j’en oublie surement. En espérant sortir vraiment quelque chose de mieux pour 2018.” - Rémy Gallet.

Rémy Gallet (France) - 2017 Leftovers
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La Rue Book (Paris, France 2017) - Leftovers

Tue, Sep 12, 2017
La Rue Book (Paris, France 2017) - Leftovers

La Rue Book is the latest video of the crazy Paris skate scene core, made by Stan Kogutyak. Featuring Tom Thieuleux, Stan Kogutyak, Adrien Clairaz and Sam Crofts who visited us a couple of time since last year. Thank you so much Stan Kogutyak, this video project bring us all together in the street with full of power and this is priceless! - Guillaume Le Gentil.

La Rue Book (Paris, France 2017) - Leftovers

Skaters. Sam Crofts, Tom Thieuleux, Stan Kogutyak, Adrien Clairaz, Guillaume Le Gentil. Friends. Xavier Raimbault, Jules Renault, Gauthier Kawase, Levi Van Rijn, Lucas Spenle, Theo Lapeyre, Pierre Saporta, Kevin Assor, Victor Daum, Thibault Maillet, Dimitri Dalais, Aubin Decorde, Maceo Muller, Warren Digne, Jeremy Fanfaron, Robin Le Godec, Nicolas Maye, Remy Gallet. Filmed by Stan Kogutyak & Tom Thieuleux.

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Click-n-Roll Click-n-Roll

Rollerblading Gems

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Skaters: | Joe Atkinson | Brian Aragon | Chihiro Azuma | Carlos Bernal | Beat Schillmeier | Sam Crofts | John Bolino | Alex Broskow | Julien Cudot | Warren Digne | Richie Eisler | Eugen Enin | Chris Farmer | Demetrios George | Mathieu Heinemann | Nils Jansons | Montre Livingston | Nick Lomax | Franky Morales | Mery Muñoz | Mathias Silhan | Brian Shima | Soichiro Kanashima | Chynna Weierstall | Takeshi Yasutoko

Skate Brands: Adapt | Deshi | Faction | Gawds | Iqon | Nimh | Razors | Roces | Seba | SSM | Them | Trigger | USD |