Some bloopers, funny stuff and leftovers from Sem Croft and Randy Abels.
More Goodies on the Plastic Pushers Youtube Channel.

Some bloopers, funny stuff and leftovers from Sem Croft and Randy Abels.
More Goodies on the Plastic Pushers Youtube Channel.
PLAY: Full Movie | Leftovers + Teaser.
Plastic Pushers - Volume I: The new dutch inline skate movie filmed during the dutch (easy) lockdown. Full parts by: Pascal Tan 1:15, Wisse Ankersmit 3:54, Adam Szymanski 9:11, Giorgio Oehlers 12:54, Jeroen Wullems 16:39, Kenny Owens 22:26, Sebastiaan van Wijk 29:39, Vivien Butot & Robin Bosgra 32:33, Sem Croft 38:18 & Randy Abels 42:44. Also featuring: Hans Hardonk, Bas Houweling, Bartozs Beller, Dick Heerkens, Marnix Haak, Chris Nomden and more. Thanks for the vibes!
The Adapt Team Movie has been in the works for over 2 years. Filming with the entire team all around the world.
Atlanta, Copenhagen, Barcelona, Amsterdam, San Diego, Los Angeles, Paris and more, Cavin Brinkman has captured the Adapt lifestyle and team in this full length movie by Adapt.
Featuring: Julian Bah, Russell Day, Levi van Rijn, Sam Crofts, Rik van Huik and more. VOD and DVD coming out on 29-01-2018.
Joe Atkinson takes 1st place at the Roller Freestyle Park Pro Competition at the FISE Xperience Le Havre 2018 in France.
Joe Atkinson | 1st Final Roller Freestyle Park (Video on Youtube)
Pro Results
Levi van Rijn’s promo video for the Levi van Rijn Vegan pro skate. Filmed by: Sjoerd Peters, Davy Wouda, Lotte Plug, Cavin Brinkman. Edited by: Cavin Brinkman.
The patspang homies went out for 3 sessions in the sun. Featuring Remco van der Pol, Alexander Linde & Randy Abels… (Where’s Dick Heerkens?!).