SCRUB$ is a cinematic journey by Mattre Lyonston. Featuring full profiles from Matt Lyon, Blake Hyatt and Montre Livingston. Also featuring blading from the Carolina blade scene.
SCRUB$ is a cinematic journey by Mattre Lyonston. Featuring full profiles from Matt Lyon, Blake Hyatt and Montre Livingston. Also featuring blading from the Carolina blade scene.
SCRUB$ is a cinematic journey by Mattre Lyonston. Featuring full profiles from Matt Lyon, Blake Hyatt and Montre Livingston. Also featuring blading from the Carolina blade scene. The video is out! Link on Sellfy ($5+).
The proceeds help support the skaters involved and the thousands of dollars of medical debt I’ve gotten into this year.
If you are unable to support don’t worry, the video will be free later next year but for those of you who want to view it now, enjoy. Runtime is almost 22 minutes.
Additional filming: Brandon Andersen, Patrick Andersen, Ryan Timms And Long.
Previously: Scrub’N up Clip$ with Montre Livingston & Blake Hyatt (2017) by Matt Lyon.
Come blade and hang with the crew and cast of: SCRUB$ - a rollerblading film by Mattre Lyonston. Featuring full profiles from Matt Lyon, Blake Hyatt and Montre Livingston.
We are having a premiere at the new OSO Skate Park in Charlotte, NC on december 16th. You don’t want to miss it! - Matt Lyon.
Premiere: Saturday, December 16 at 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM EST. Oso Skate Park: 933 louise ave suite 109 Charlotte, NC 28205. Visit Ososkatepark.com
November 4th 2017. Montre Livingston and Blake Hyatt in the process of filming for my new blade flick SCRUB$.
SCRUB$ will be out in 2017 but no official date yet… I will keep yall updated. - Matt Lyon.
An amateur short blake flick by Matt Lyon.
I have been pointing my camera at everything I possibly can this past year after moving to Charlotte, NC and I cannot wait to put the final touches on this and put it up for the world to see but for now heres a sneak peek so hold your nuts and enjoy! - Matt Lyon.
Full parts from Matt Lyon and Blake Hyatt plus a friends montage. Music by Portugal the Man.
In 2016 I had my camera stolen and my laptop crash and i recovered these clips of gold from Columbus, OH with all my homies. I wanted to use this montage in my blade flick SCRUB$ but i felt it did not match up and flow with the timeline. - Matt Lyon.
In order of appearance: Matt Lyon, Kyle Wood, Ben Poling, Bradley Wilson, Kenny Shawver, Brandon Ballog and Hawke Trackler.
SCRUB$ is a cinematic journey by Mattre Lyonston. Featuring full profiles from Matt Lyon, Blake Hyatt and Montre Livingston. Also featuring blading from the Carolina blade scene.