Paul John, Gawds pro rider, grinding in traffic. Photo: Ilmortsea (via). Visit Ingawdswetrust.com.
Paul John, Gawds pro rider, grinding in traffic. Photo: Ilmortsea (via). Visit Ingawdswetrust.com.
Photo by Jamie Link (Jamielinkphotography.com) - Larger Picture on Imgur (via).
Want more media of the Windy City Riot 2017? Check the edit by Alex Heredia (including results) and don’t miss the coverage by Greg Velasquez & Emoadatfkid.
Picture of the day: Carlos Bernal - Topsoul to Topsoul. Photo by Miguel Triano | Larger picture on Imgur (via).
You can check this trick in this Undercover Carlos Bernal promo video | Larger picture of the USD Carbon Team XVIII Skates.
USD Update: The New USD Aeon are about to arrive in the shops. Larger Pictures: Aeon 80 | Aeon 72 | Aeon 60.
Picture of the day: Warren Digne - Disaster Top Soul | San Diego, California. A photo by Antony Pottier.
A photo by Armando Colunga | larger picture on Imgur (via).