Grindhoven: ‘Official’ Winterclash 2018 Promo. Featuring Jeroen Wullems & Daniel Laufs.
A must see documentary: Heartbreaking, terribly sad, shocking and honest. The HangLosers Super Bowl 2018 is the most un-fun event in blading. Stay away, it is going to be the worst Thursday of the year – again.
The Super Bowl is not all fun and games! Here’s is the story about Jonas, a 15 time X Games gold medalist whose rollerblading career took an unexpected turn at last years Super Bowl.
Visit Winterclash.com.
We meet us in Apeldoorn with the Grindhoven guys to have a indoor session! Riders: Eugen Enin, Sven Ischen, Joao Goncalves, Daniel Laufs and Jeejroen Wullems.
Daniel Laufs is really creative, thanks to Jeroen Wullems, you’ll be able to enjoy the crazy tricks Daniel likes to pull, Grindhoven Style. That’s it, Yazoo’s song playing all day in my head, thanks Jeroen.
Song: Yazoo - Don’t Go.
Past Present Future. In 14 years of Winterclash we have witnessed incredible tricks by some of the best girls, juniors, amateurs and pros. We were lucky to welcome most of our legends and we’ve seen kids growing up to become our new heroes.
Blading today has strong roots and blading tomorrow is being created by all of us as we speak, travel and gather. Winterclash 2018 will be a homage to the history of blading, legendary events, influential videos, great personalities, different styles and different times.
And of course: Winterclash 2018 will be a celebration of what’s ahead. Are you in?
Visit Winterclash.com.
Winterclash 2018. 16th + 17th February 2018. Areafiftyone Skatepark / Eindhoven (NL). Camera, Cut & Color: Przemek Madej (Straightfromhere.com). Music: “Territory” by The Blaze. Featured skaters: Antony Pottier (Tony Potch), Joe Atkinson.
Filmed by: Vincent Laufs, Jeroen Wullems, Deniz Bathke, Marc Lorra, Oleg Bartel, Sven Ischen, Loick Even, Dominik Hammer, Daniel Maier & Philipp Czaika. Edited by: Jeroen Wullems. Photo.