Florent 'f11d' Delfosse - 2014-2016 (Last Rollerblading Edit)

Mon, Dec 18, 2017
Florent 'f11d' Delfosse - 2014-2016 (Last Rollerblading Edit)

Filmed by Mathieu Girard and Allan Beaulieu.

Florent 'f11d' Delfosse - 2014-2016 (Last Rollerblading Edit)

Après de longues années à attendre au fond d’un disque dur, les images filmées par Mathieu Girard et Allan Beaulieu n’ont pas eu l’edit qu’elles méritaient. Voici cependant le résumé de ces dernières années, enjoy mon dernier edit de roller ;)

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See Also

Le Sean's - Décembre 2017 with Clement Boucau, Umberto Toselli, Victor Legrand & Friends

Thu, Dec 14, 2017
Le Sean's - Décembre 2017 with Clement Boucau, Umberto Toselli, Victor Legrand & Friends

Skaters: Vasco Moyal, Clement Boucau, Christophe Brumby, Thibault Barbaza, Clément Barbaza, Julien Schneider, Umberto Toselli, Antoine Frerejean & Victor Legrand.

Le Sean's - Décembre 2017 with Clement Boucau, Umberto Toselli, Victor Legrand & Friends

Previously: Le Sean’s (France) - Iphone Clips (2017) featuring Umberto Toselli, Jey Mcfly, Klement Barbaza, Victor Legrand, Jon Matter, Lucas Rinaldi & Vasco Moyal.

Le Sean's - Décembre 2017 with Clement Boucau, Umberto Toselli, Victor Legrand & Friends
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1 Weekend in Paris (2017) by Cavin Brinkman

Tue, Dec 5, 2017

January 2017: “I just came home from 1 week filming in Barcelona when i had to leave the morning after to Paris because the sister of my girlfriend gave birth to her 1st kid.

1 Weekend in Paris (2017) by Cavin Brinkman

This gave me a great opportunity to see my boys again and skate, there where some guys from outside the city that joined the session and i came home with a fun lil weekend edit”. - Cavin Brinkman.

1 Weekend in Paris (2017) by Cavin Brinkman

Featuring Louis Villar, Louis Lescure, Fred Bukowski, Tom Thieuleux, Jeremy Fanfaron, Fred Bukowski, Victor Daum, Gauthier Kawase, Jeremy Vallauri & Thomas Pfluger.

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Romeo Stocchi - Primum Insidias (2017) by Complo Clothing

Mon, Dec 4, 2017
Romeo Stocchi - Primum Insidias (2017) by Complo Clothing

Romeo Stocchi, Primum Insidias - Complo Clothing Section. Filmed & edited by Lucas Spenle. Additional Cameras: David Mounigan & Geoffrey Vincent. Music: L’Or Du Commun - “Rouge Mississippi”.

Romeo Stocchi - Primum Insidias (2017) by Complo Clothing

Moitié Bordelais, Moitié Californien - Monsieur Romeo Stocchi navigue entre Complo, battes et musique, filmer le Monsieur dans la rue durant deux années n’a pas été de tout repos mais les moments qui en ont découlés sont maintenant inoubliables. C’est avec plaisir que nous vous livrons son profil vidéo extrait de notre film “PRIMUM INSIDIAS”.

Romeo Stocchi - Primum Insidias (2017) by Complo Clothing

Previously: Franck Steve - Primum Insidias (2017), Complo Clothing Edit by Lucas Spenle.

Romeo Stocchi - Primum Insidias (2017) by Complo Clothing
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Manon Derrien (France) - 2017 Edit by Alan Prod'homme

Tue, Nov 28, 2017
Manon Derrien (France) - 2017 Edit by Alan Prod'homme

2017 Edit for Manon Derrien (France). Filmed and edited by Alan Prod’homme. “What a better way to resume 2017 than sharing tricks and lines I managed to do this year ?!” - Manon Derrien.

Manon Derrien (France) - 2017 Edit by Alan Prod'homme

Music: “The Jackson Five - I want you back, Remix” by DJ Z-Trip.

Manon Derrien (France) - 2017 Edit by Alan Prod'homme

Previously: Manon Derrien (France) - One line, One spot (2017).

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Le Sean's (France) - Iphone Clips (2017)

Thu, Nov 23, 2017
Le Sean's (France) - Iphone Clips (2017)

Featuring Umberto Toselli, Jey Mcfly, Klement Barbaza, Victor Legrand, Jon Matter, Lucas Rinaldi & Vasco Moyal.

Le Sean's (France) - Iphone Clips (2017)

Jon Matter est le diable.

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Blading Wiki, a wiki dedicated to Inline Skating

Rollerblading Gems

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Skaters: | Joe Atkinson | Brian Aragon | Chihiro Azuma | Carlos Bernal | Beat Schillmeier | Sam Crofts | John Bolino | Alex Broskow | Julien Cudot | Warren Digne | Richie Eisler | Eugen Enin | Chris Farmer | Demetrios George | Mathieu Heinemann | Nils Jansons | Montre Livingston | Nick Lomax | Franky Morales | Mery Muñoz | Mathias Silhan | Brian Shima | Soichiro Kanashima | Chynna Weierstall | Takeshi Yasutoko

Skate Brands: Adapt | Deshi | Faction | Gawds | Iqon | Nimh | Razors | Roces | Seba | SSM | Them | Trigger | USD |