Clips from the final montage of CHARG!NG. – Thefarmacy.
CHARG!NG. Edited by Sean Kelso, filmed by Sean Kelso, Colin Kelso and Adam Johnson.
Clips from the final montage of CHARG!NG. – Thefarmacy.
CHARG!NG. Edited by Sean Kelso, filmed by Sean Kelso, Colin Kelso and Adam Johnson.
Chris Farmer - Mindgame, Bang action figure. Photoshop by DUNC4N.
We were able to film with Chris Farmer in Los Angeles, Kansas City, Lawrence, Phoenix, Tucson, Atlanta, and Minneapolis to bring you this full profile while he was in-between injuries.
Starting the profile by ripping off the skin on his ass Chris was able to outdo himself his first day back with a substantial gash to the shin bone resulting in the end of his Atlanta trip.
Followed up with the struggle of Southern California skating and a short trip to the desert the project spanned into the winter months. A cold, unforgiving winter in Kansas City yielded few tricks and the filming continued into the Spring months with a final trip to Minneapolis. - Vibraluxdenimusa.com (Sellfy).
Iconic Skate Spot: The legendary Hollywood High 16 Stair. Featuring Demetrious George, Mike Johnson, Josh Letona, Brian Hamm, Kevin Gillan, Lyle Shivak, Aaron Feinberg, Billy Prislin, Louis Zamora, Jeff Stockwell, Mike Radebough, Dominic Sagona, Brian Shima, Shayne Skower, Franky Morales, Rachard Johnson, Gonzo, Hoan Phong, Chris Haffey, Carlos Pianowski, Anthony Gallegos, Chris Farmer Jon Julio & more.
A compilation by Scoreback (Youtube Channel).
All the craziness that went down at the legendary El Toro. Edit featuring: Demetrious George, Mike Johnson, Josh Letona, Brian Hamm, Kevin Gillan, Lyle Shivak, Aaron Feinberg, Billy Prislin, Louis Zamora, Jeff Stockwell, Mike Radebough, Dominic Sagona, Brian Shima, Shayne Skower, Franky Morales, Rachard Johnson, Gonzo, Hoan Phong, Chris Haffey, Carlos Pianowski, Anthony Gallegos, Chris Farmer & more.
A compilation by Scoreback (Youtube Channel).
A follow up to what some will say is the best video ever made. Edited by Dustin Latimer & Shane Coburn with visual effects from Matt Andrews ; produced By Trendkiller / Mindgame. Featuring: Aaron Feinberg, Chris Farmer & Dustin Latimer (Photo).
Video on Vimeo: PLAY