Displaying posts tagged #Marseille

Pro Bowl Fest 2023 (Marseille, France) - Best-of Video (All Categories) + Full Results

Sun, Jul 23, 2023
Pro Bowl Fest 2023 (Marseille, France) - Best-of Video (All Categories) + Full Results

Pro Bowl Fest, 2023 Edition (Marseille, France) - Best-of Video (All Categories: Roller, Quads, Breakdance, Scooter, BMX) + Full Results.

Pro Bowl Fest 2023 (Marseille, France) - Best-of Video (All Categories) + Full Results

Men Pro Results

  1. CUDOT Julien
  2. FRIJN Jaro
  3. SERVY Nicolas
  4. POTTIER Antony
  6. BUKOWSKI Fred
  7. LE COULS Tom
  8. LE COULS Peter
  9. DROOGH Erik
  10. VARACHE Bruce
Pro Bowl Fest 2023 (Marseille, France) - Best-of Video (All Categories) + Full Results

Women Pro

  1. MARTIN Carla
  3. TISLER Armelle
  4. RANDMAË Kaili
  5. PENNER Mae
  6. CONDROYER Amandine
  7. GARRIDO Javiera
  8. WILS Claire
  9. DARIES Auriane
Pro Bowl Fest 2023 (Marseille, France) - Best-of Video (All Categories) + Full Results

Women AM, 13-

  1. MACAIRE Melissa
  3. BILLARD Lywenn
  4. GARCIA Tabatha
  5. CLOSON Noemie
  6. JOSEPH Noemie
  7. HUTH Clelia

Men AM, 14-18

  1. SALA Élio
  2. BONINO Loan
  3. BOUALI Badisse
  4. HEBREARD Sacha
  5. BROITMANN Mathis
  7. CAVANNA Noam
  8. BOYER Louis

Men AM 12-

  2. MARTINEAU Arthur
  3. HUTH Théodore

Women AM, 14+

  1. FUMERY Lilou
  2. AUDRAIN Victoria
  3. GERIN Waimea
  4. BIWANDU Lisa
  5. LAGARDE Laura
  6. BERTELLI Paola
  7. ROCK Annabelle
  8. TENAUDIER Manon

Men AM, 18+

  1. FUMERY Léo
  2. TOURE Malcolm
  3. NGUYEN Victor
  4. FRANÇOIS Alexandre
  6. Etienne
  7. HIEGEL Matteo
  8. FULGRAFF Nolan
  9. CHÉNEAU Pierre
  10. CARVALHO Adam

More Results on Probowlfest.fr.

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Pro Bowl Contest 2022 (Marseille, France) - Day 3 Highlights [Finals & Best Tricks] - Roller + Scooter

Wed, Jun 22, 2022
Pro Bowl Contest 2022 (Marseille, France) - Day 3 Highlights [Finals & Best Tricks] - Roller + Scooter

Marseille Pro Bowl, 2022 Edition (France) - Day 3 Highlights: Roller Finals: Women + Men ; Scooter Comp ; Best-Tricks (Roller + Scooter).

Pro Bowl Contest 2022 (Marseille, France) - Day 3 Highlights [Finals & Best Tricks] - Roller + Scooter

Pro Bowl Contest 2022 - (Marseille, France): Results, Livestream Replay & Highlights Day 1-2.

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Pro Bowl Contest 2022 - (Marseille, France): Results, Livestream Replay & Highlights Day 1-2

Mon, Jun 20, 2022
Pro Bowl Contest 2022 - (Marseille, France): Results, Livestream Replay & Highlights Day 1-2

Pro Results - Men

Pro Bowl Contest 2022 - (Marseille, France): Results, Livestream Replay & Highlights Day 1-2

Pro Results - Women

Pro Bowl Contest 2022 - (Marseille, France): Results, Livestream Replay & Highlights Day 1-2

More Results on Probowlcontest.fr (Roller Qualifications & Scooter Results). June 17-19, 2O22.

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Pro Bowl Contest - Marseille (France): 2009-2021 Winners

Sat, May 7, 2022

The Pro Bowl Contest was previously known as the “Championnat de France de Bowl roller”, organized by the AMSCAS association.


  • Carla PASQUINELLI [Roller Pro - Women]
  • Julien CUDOT [Roller Pro - Men]
  • Armelle TISLER [Roller Best trick - Pro Women]
  • Diako DIABY [Roller Best trick - Pro Men]


  • Armelle TISLER [Roller Pro - Women]
  • Julien CUDOT [Roller Pro - Men]


  • Lisa-Marie AUTHIÉ [Roller Pro - Women]
  • Anthony AVELLA [Roller Pro - Men]


  • Lisa-Marie AUTHIÉ [Roller Pro - Women]
  • Cj WELLSMORE [Roller Pro - Men]


  • Amandine CONDROYER [Roller Pro - Women]
  • Yuma BAUDOIN [Roller Pro - Men]


  • Lisa-Marie AUTHIÉ [Roller Pro - Women]
  • Yuma BAUDOIN [Roller Pro - Men]


  • Stéphanie RICHER [Roller Pro - Women]
  • Cj WELLSMORE [Roller Pro - Men]


  • Lisa-Marie AUTHIÉ [Roller AM - Women]
  • Yuma BAUDOIN [Roller Pro - Men]


  • Mathilde MONNERON [Roller AM - Women]
  • Romain GODENAIRE [Roller Pro - Men]


  • Mathilde MONNERON [Roller AM - Women]
  • Romain GODENAIRE [Roller Pro - Men]


  • Amandine CONDROYER [Roller AM - Women]
  • Kévin QUINTIN [Roller Pro - Men]


  • Prescillia VERDIER [Roller AM - Women]
  • Cj WELLSMORE [Roller Pro - Men]


  • Mathilde MONNERON [Roller AM - Women]
  • Julien CUDOT [Roller Pro - Men]
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42k Marseille Bowl Challenge by Kevin Quintin (2021)

Wed, Sep 29, 2021
42k Marseille Bowl Challenge by Kevin Quintin (2021)

42k for 42 kilometers (a bit more than 26 miles) ; the Marseille bowl is 30 years old, it’s time for some celebration. Quoting Rollerblade.com: On September 23rd Kevin Quintin paid tribute to the world-famous bowl in Marseille, France by completing a marathon in the bowl.

42k Marseille Bowl Challenge by Kevin Quintin (2021)

A 42K challenge in this form has never been done before. Besides challenging his own abilities, Kevin will use this unique event to raise awareness to help support children with cancer. His event will also host a raffle via the MC Swim Challenge which supports the same cause.

Official Teaser by Point13 Association

42k Marseille Bowl Challenge by Kevin Quintin (2021)

42k Challenge - Whole Event, by 21Solutions, with guests: Sven Boekhorst, Antony Pottier, Toto Ghali, Thomas Lieurey ; Hosted by Julien Lafarge, Chiab & Friends.

42k Marseille Bowl Challenge by Kevin Quintin (2021)

Bonus 1: Kevin Quintin - A Life on Wheels - Rollerblade Edit (2020) - Kevin Quintin has been on wheels since he was a little boy. For about 30 years he’s had wheels attached to his feet. Growing up in Marseille, France he learned to skate in the world famous bowl at the beach of his hometown. This shaped his style of skating: hard and fast and without any boundaries.

42k Marseille Bowl Challenge by Kevin Quintin (2021)

Bonus 2: Kevin Quintin - Seba Profile by Anthony Finocchiaro - Winter 2011/ 2012, shot in the south of France, in Marseille & Toulon. Featuring downhill, freeride, a ghetto skatepark session and of course bowl skating.

42k Marseille Bowl Challenge by Kevin Quintin (2021)

Bonus 3: From 1991 till today, Kevin Quintin, skating at the Marseille Bowl (2011) by Anthelme bizeul

42k Marseille Bowl Challenge by Kevin Quintin (2021)
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Pro Bowl Contest 2021 (Marseille, France) - France 3 Broadcast + Results

Sat, Jul 3, 2021
Pro Bowl Contest 2021 (Marseille, France) - France 3 Broadcast + Results

Flyer: Lisa Mary Authie (left) ; Julien Cudot, 1st place Pros Men (right).

The Pro Bowl Contest 2021 took place June 25-27, 2021 in the mythical bowl of Marseille (France). The finals were broadcasted live on France3, the French free-to-air public television channel, here is the video and the results.

Pro Bowl Contest 2021 (Marseille, France) - France 3 Broadcast + Results


  1. Julien Cudot
  2. Yuma Baudoin
  3. Jaro Frijn
  4. Anthony Avella
  5. Diako Diaby
Pro Bowl Contest 2021 (Marseille, France) - France 3 Broadcast + Results


  1. Carla Pasquinelli (FR)
  2. Sara Vilella (ES)
  3. Armelle Tisler (FR)
Pro Bowl Contest 2021 (Marseille, France) - France 3 Broadcast + Results

Best Tricks

  • Pros Men - Best Trick: Diako DIABY - 450 alley oop soul on the wallride.
  • Pros Women - Best Trick: Armelle TISLER - 540 true spin top soul on the Mozart module.

More Results on Probowlcontest.fr. Note: At the moment, some of the results on the website are incomplete (Pros Men Results shown are from the qualifs, with the score from the final, Pro Women results are not available).

Photos courtesy of probowlcontest.fr.

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Pro Bowl Contest #9 (Marseille, France) - 2018 Flyer & 2017 Edit

Wed, Mar 7, 2018
Pro Bowl Contest #9 (Marseille, France) - 2018 Flyer & 2017 Edit

June 2-3, 2018: Pro Bowl Contest #9 - Marseille, France.

Pro Bowl Contest #9 (Marseille, France) - 2018 Flyer & 2017 Edit

Pro Bowl Contest 2017 - Edit

Pro Bowl Contest #9 (Marseille, France) - 2018 Flyer & 2017 Edit

Visit ProBowlContest.fr.

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Precilia Verdier Skates the Bowl of Marseille (France, 2017) - Clips

Fri, Aug 11, 2017
Precilia Verdier Skates the Bowl of  Marseille (France, 2017) - Clips

Marseille, France - filmed by Nicolas Servy.

Precilia Verdier Skates the Bowl of  Marseille (France, 2017) - Clips
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Marseille Pro Bowl Contest 2017 (France) - Flyer and Promo

Thu, Apr 27, 2017
Marseille Pro Bowl Contest 2017 (France) - Flyer and Promo

The Marseille Pro Bowl Contest 2017 will take place June 3-4 at the “Bowl du Prado”, 197 avenue Pierre Mendes France, 13008 Marseille. You can find all the infos you need on Probowlcontest.fr.

2016 Teaser of the Event

Marseille Pro Bowl Contest 2017 (France) - Flyer and Promo

2016 Highlights: Day 1 - Day 2.

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The 2015 Girls Tour Project Is on (France)

Wed, Jan 21, 2015

Online-skating posted an article about the The 2015 Girls Tour Project. Bordeaux + Strasbourg + Marseille.

The 2015 Girls Tour Project Is on (France)

Encouraged by Precilia Verdier, the head of the Aggressive skating circuit at the French Federation of Roller Sports, the “Girls Tour” Project is on for a national tour with the top women of the discipline.

Video on Youtube: PLAY.

Follow throughout the year on 2-star events of the national French series: Stephanie Richer, Manon Derrien, Amandine Condroyer, Coralie Tan, Mathilde Monneron, Lisa-Mary Authie & Precilia Verdier.

The objective of the tour is to meet with local aggressive skaters (boys and girls) during sessions and debates on girls’ practice of aggressive skating. The organizers of those events committed to sign a charter of commitment for the promotion of girls’ practice and offer prizes, prize money, communication and adapted categories. […]

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Blading Wiki, a wiki dedicated to Inline Skating

Rollerblading Gems

Niko Salaman (2024) by Mark Worner

Nathan Bentley - Drown (2024) - Solo Street Sessions

Tallboyz - Crabcakes & Football | Maryland/DC/VA Tour Video (2024)

'CARRER' - A Furtius Video by Ferran Laparra (Spain)

Cougar Skates - Paris - Julien Cudot & Lenny Jourda

Mesmer Tiki - Levi van Rijn, John Bolino, Billy O'Neill, Ichi  & Friends

WEAK KNIGHTS // Josiah Blee & Jake Dotson

Cameron Talbott in 'Dos Dias' - A video by Cody Lampman

Mount Average [Rollerblading Video] - LUDUS Skaterblade - Vienna (Austria, 2024)

Alex Burston - In a Bit (Stockport, UK)

Jacob Juul and Storm (LOW Skate Academy) - Trigger Street Edit

OWC presents 'Orange: Mathieu Ledoux and Charles Nantel'

OG (more)

Jon Julio - Bridges, by Brian Freeman - S1EP4 - Documentary

Vincent - A documentary by Ivan Narez-Hurtado

Mike French - Back Like I Never Left

Vince Camarillo Section - Bay Area - JSF Edit

Big Wheels (more)

Tallboyz - OPS2 - Big Wheel Blading Edit

Leon Basin and Stuart Brattey - Wizard Base and Wizard Base High

Astral Blade x FTS (2022) with Pat Ridder, Sandro Gruenheid, Dominik Stransky & Friends - Big Wheels

Skaters: | Joe Atkinson | Brian Aragon | Chihiro Azuma | Carlos Bernal | Beat Schillmeier | Sam Crofts | John Bolino | Alex Broskow | Julien Cudot | Warren Digne | Richie Eisler | Eugen Enin | Chris Farmer | Demetrios George | Mathieu Heinemann | Nils Jansons | Montre Livingston | Nick Lomax | Franky Morales | Mery Muñoz | Mathias Silhan | Brian Shima | Soichiro Kanashima | Chynna Weierstall | Takeshi Yasutoko

Skate Brands: Adapt | Deshi | Faction | Gawds | Iqon | Nimh | Razors | Roces | Seba | SSM | Them | Trigger | USD |