La Rue presents Poésie (poetry, in french). Featuring: Baptiste Stéphan, Gauthier Kawase, Jeremy Fanfaron, Renaud Jerez, Sabine Raillard, Stan Kogutyak, Umberto Toselli, Greg Preston, Neil Ingall, Sadio Traoré, Lukas Lalor-Ryan & Gaston Michel. Filmed by: Umberto Tosseli, Stan Kogutyak & Lukas Lalor-Ryan. Edited by: Stan Kogutyak. Visit
La Rue - MOTION. Featuring:
Nolan Charpentier,
Sadio Traoré,
Lukas Lalor-Ryan,
Remy Gallet,
Umberto Toselli,
Stan Kogutyak &
Gaston Michel. Edited by: Stan Kogutyak.
Jon Lee x La Rue. Filmed by Joe Spray & Jon Lee. Featuring: Umberto Toselli, Stan Kogutyak, Matt, Quinnny, Pat & Friends.
Support La Rue @
Vous les copains! (You my friends!) with Umberto Toselli, Stan Kogutyak & Friends. A video by La Rue.
Previously: La Rue - Wheels Promo (2021) by Umberto Tosseli.
LA RUE is proud to finally see this new product come to life! Make sure to check out LA RUE Wheels - Limited stocks. Thank you for supporting us, nothing would have been possible without you all. Merci!
Featuring: Stan Kogutyak, Umberto Toselli & Lukas Lalor-Ryan.
I put on it all my heart! It was edited by Pierre Olivier (dob4) and filmed by friends like: Victor Daum, Stan Kogutyak, Pierre Saporta, Fred Bukowski, Rémy Gallet, Warren Digne & Aubin Decorde. Love for all my blade’s families: Taryf, La Rue, Ratz! - Tom Thieuleux.
Previously: 1 Weekend in Paris (2017) by Cavin Brinkman.
La Rue Book is the latest video of the crazy Paris skate scene core, made by Stan Kogutyak. Featuring Tom Thieuleux, Stan Kogutyak, Adrien Clairaz and Sam Crofts who visited us a couple of time since last year. Thank you so much Stan Kogutyak, this video project bring us all together in the street with full of power and this is priceless! - Guillaume Le Gentil.
Skaters. Sam Crofts, Tom Thieuleux, Stan Kogutyak, Adrien Clairaz, Guillaume Le Gentil. Friends. Xavier Raimbault, Jules Renault, Gauthier Kawase, Levi Van Rijn, Lucas Spenle, Theo Lapeyre, Pierre Saporta, Kevin Assor, Victor Daum, Thibault Maillet, Dimitri Dalais, Aubin Decorde, Maceo Muller, Warren Digne, Jeremy Fanfaron, Robin Le Godec, Nicolas Maye, Remy Gallet. Filmed by Stan Kogutyak & Tom Thieuleux.
Skaters. Sam Crofts, Tom Thieuleux, Stan Kogutyak, Adrien Clairaz, Guillaume Le Gentil. Friends. Xavier Raimbault, Jules Renault, Gauthier Kawase, Levi Van Rijn, Lucas Spenle, Theo Lapeyre, Pierre Saporta, Kevin Assor, Victor Daum, Thibault Maillet, Dimitri Dalais, Aubin Decorde, Maceo Muller, Warren Digne, Jeremy Fanfaron, Robin Le Godec, Nicolas Maye, Remy Gallet. Filmed by Stan Kogutyak & Tom Thieuleux. PLAY.
La Rue Book is the latest video of the crazy Paris skate scene core, made by Stan Kogutyak. Featuring Tom Thieuleux, Stan Kogutyak, Adrien Clairaz and Sam Crofts who visited us a couple of time since last year. Thank you so much Stan Kogutyak, this video project bring us all together in the street with full of power and this is priceless! - Guillaume Le Gentil.