BCSD 2013 - The Final Bittercold Showdown. An official Brazilionaire Joint.
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BCSD 2013 - The Final Bittercold Showdown. An official Brazilionaire Joint.
Video on Youtube: PLAY (Video set to private)
Chris Haffey: game of B.L.A.D.E with Montre Livingston at Bittercold Showdown 2013.
Bittercold Showdown (BCSD) - More Media.
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The Journey To BCSD 2013 by Cody Sanders and Mick Casals - Link on Flickr.
After covering over 3000 miles in under a week from Austin, TX to Detroit, MI and back again, the journey is over. This is a small collection of pictures from our trip to the north east. This was by far the most wild, drama filled, trouble laden blade trip I have ever taken.
Tk was caught shoplifting $1.00 gloves, almost going to jail, we opted to pay the store 50 dollars to let him go. Later he destroyed the hotel ceiling tiles, almost going to jail again. We lit fireworks in the skate park, sneaked in gallons of liquor to BCSD, everyone lost all their money, a purse, their id’s, our own car and eventually our sanity when we discovered we were stranded and homeless in Chicago after a blurry weekend full of fast times.
Every photo in this set was taken in between all this calamity and more. Hope you dig. :)
Up: Bake Frames (Larger Picture).
Video Edits
Razors Edit by Stefan Brandow: PLAY. “Featuring supporters, flows, AMs, and Pros. We thank Daniel Kinney for hosting this competition over the last 13 years, and wish him the best with whatever his future brings. Many amazing memories from these comps, BCSD will be missed. Props to Roman Abrate for taking home the 2nd place trophy and Wake Schepman for coming in 3rd! Dat hurricane top acid :0. Filming and Editing: Stefan Brandow. Additional angles: Samuel Deangelis. Song: Gramatik - Still Here.
BCSD 2013 by Hawke Trackler: PLAY. “Bitter Cold Showdown 13 By Hawke Trackler and Samuel Deangelis includes some of the bigger tricks that this years event had to offer. There are special awards for BCSDxiii at the end. Featuring: CJ Wellsmore, Wake Schepman, Roman Abrate, Chris Haffey, Julian Bah, Montre Livingston, David Sizemore, Garret Mitschelen, Victor Arias, Dave Hartnett, Chase Linzmeyer, Julian Mire, Michael Froemling & Jeph Howard.
ONE @ BCSD XIII: PLAY. “This is the footage we captured at the 13th and final Bitter Cold Showdown. Lucky 13 indeed”.
BCSD Survival by Bakerized: PLAY. “I’m a noob behind a camera and editing software who tried to capture the passion behind the competition and skating being presented in Detroit, Thanks to Helton Brazil Siqueira for the extra clips needed to make this happen, and also ez goeasy (UWR) and Kenrick Chiocca for the back-up SD card to bring you the extra footage as well. Last but not least Manny Vargas and RJ Smith for helping me watch equipment and being great OG friends”. Bladers: Chris Haffey, Alex Broskow, Erik Bailey, Julian Bah, David Sizemore, CJ Wellsmore, Wake Schepman, Montre Livingston, Kevin Lapierre, Roman Abrate, Jeph Howard, Ryan Sibbio, Luke Naylor, Michael Froemling, Brett Urbas and Jeff Dalnas.
Photos: EZ Goezy & Anthonyfinocchiaro.tumblr.com.