Showcasing only a portion of the Dallas rollerblading scene. Additional filming by Jason Reyna and John Sullivan. More to come soon. Keep it Rolling!
Song: Mystic Braves - Hanging Round.
Showcasing only a portion of the Dallas rollerblading scene. Additional filming by Jason Reyna and John Sullivan. More to come soon. Keep it Rolling!
Song: Mystic Braves - Hanging Round.
Brady Creek Johnston with some clips from a few sessions. He is my favorite person to blade with and you can see why in his blading. - Troy Maimone.
Filming: Troy Maimone, John Sullivan & Jason Reyna. Edit by: Troy Maimone. Song: Useless Eaters - Addicted to the blade. Photo
Filmed by John Sullivan, Jason Reyna and Gino Gotelli. Edited by Troy Maimone.
Song: Nuages - Dreams.
John Sullivan doing what he does best as he continues to perfect his craft. Much love to Jason Reyna and Gino Gotelli for helping me film for this project. Always a pleasure working with inspiring people that motivate me to learn and progress. Appreciate the hard work Sully! Horizon Hues continues. - Troy Maimone.
Music: Eli Prince & Kid Willis - Cosa. Artwork: Carlos Donjuan and the Sour Grapes.
7-8 parks, 5 different pairs of blades and just an amazing project put together by tha homie Troy Maimone thank you so much for errrrthang. Jason Reyna thank you as well for the extra angles. Tomorrow be on the lookout. - John Sullivan.
It’s been fun hanging with my friends and helping get this project done. Troy Maimone has put together a nice John Sullivan section. Here’s a teaser. - Jason Reyna.
Section out 8/1/17. Photo: Fritz Peitzner.
This is Wes Phelan blading a few parks around the Dallas metroplex. He has more energy and motivation to go blade than anyone else in our scene and it’s a great thing to be apart of. Thanks to Wes for doing this project with me and John Sullivan and Jason Reyna for helping me shoot. - Troy Maimone.