“four.” Directed by Lonnie F. Gallegos. Feeturing: Chris Farmer, Michael Obedoza, Tim Franken, Robert Guerrero, Brian Weis, Chris Calkins, Kruise Sapstein, Jeremy Soderburg, Joey Lunger and more!
Available on Sellfy ($25+)
“four.” Directed by Lonnie F. Gallegos. Feeturing: Chris Farmer, Michael Obedoza, Tim Franken, Robert Guerrero, Brian Weis, Chris Calkins, Kruise Sapstein, Jeremy Soderburg, Joey Lunger and more!
Available on Sellfy ($25+)
feet 4. feeturing: Chris Farmer, Robert Guerrero, Michael Obedoza, Tim Franken, Kruise Sapstein, Brian Weis, Jeremy Soderburg, Chris Calkins, Joey Lunger.
We welcome Brian Freeman & Tim Franken to the pro team! - Gawds.
Tim Franken is holding the Gawds Franky Morales Pro Model:
A 9to5digimedia Production “BladerRico” starring: Chris Farmer, Montre Livingston, Erick Rodriguez, Julian Bah, Tim Franken, Carson Starnes, Abdiel Colberg, Oscar Sosa and Hector Gonzalez. Video on Sellfy ($15).
Filmed by Erick Rodriguez. Additional Videography by Montre Livingston, Polbo Blanco, Paul Sepulveda, Tim Franken and Hector Gonzalez. Photography by Jonathan Labez. Motion Graphics by Mike Johnson. Additional Aerial Cinematography by Paul Moulier.
BladerRico by Erick Rodriguez (2017): More Media
A 9to5digimedia Production “Bladerrico” starring: Chris Farmer, Montre Livingston, Erick Rodriguez, Julian Bah, Tim Franken, Carson Starnes, Abdiel Colberg, Oscar Sosa and Hector Gonzalez. Video on Sellfy ($15).
Filmed by Erick Rodriguez. Additional Videography by Montre Livingston, Polbo Blanco, Paul Sepulveda, Tim Franken and Hector Gonzalez. Photography by Jonathan Labez. Motion Graphics by Mike Johnson. Additional Aerial Cinematography by Paul Moulier.
Available for download 06/02/17 at 12am (pacific time). Visit Bladergang.com.
up: Julian Bah - Larger Picture on Imgur - Photo: Jonathanlabez.com.
Jeff Stockwell won the mini ramp contest and Russell Day took the rail battle. Huge thank you to Tim Franken for hosting the contest and for everybody. - Aaron Schultz.