Displaying posts tagged #Syeahskate

The Agrarians (Varna, Bulgaria, 2021) - Grind Challenge VII by Syeahskate

Wed, Aug 4, 2021
The Agrarians (Varna, Bulgaria, 2021) - Grind Challenge VII by Syeahskate

GcVIII (GRIND CHALLENGE VII) - 17 teams battle for survival. Proudly organised by Syeahskate (Rules). Calling out to all survivors around the world. This is THE AFTERMATH. Make a blading edit in 33 days. 3-8 crew members. No skateparks. Check all the entries in this playlist.

The Agrarians (Varna, Bulgaria, 2021) - Grind Challenge VII by Syeahskate

The Agrarians (Varna, Bulgaria, 2021). A video featuring Ivo Zahariev, Evgeniy Penkov & Aleksandar Kostadinov. Filmed & edited by Milen Vichev, second camera: Siyana Sazdova.

The Agrarians (Varna, Bulgaria, 2021) - Grind Challenge VII by Syeahskate

Grind Challenge VII by Syeahskate - This is THE AFTERMATH.

The Agrarians (Varna, Bulgaria, 2021) - Grind Challenge VII by Syeahskate
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Eatable Shit (Sofia, Bulgaria 2021) - Grind Challenge VII

Mon, Aug 2, 2021
Eatable Shit (Sofia, Bulgaria 2021) - Grind Challenge VII

Featuring: Alexander Pehlev, Evgeni Gerov, Ivaylo Kunev, Pavel Kristov, Rusen Minchev, Stefan Nikolov & Ventsislav Angelov.

Eatable Shit (Sofia, Bulgaria 2021) - Grind Challenge VII

GcVIII (GRIND CHALLENGE VII) - 17 teams battle for survival. Proudly organised by Syeahskate (Rules). Calling out to all survivors around the world. This is THE AFTERMATH. Make a blading edit in 33 days. 3-8 crew members. No skateparks. Check all the entries in this playlist.

Eatable Shit (Sofia, Bulgaria 2021) - Grind Challenge VII
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GcVII (GRIND CHALLENGE VII) - Online Contest by Syeahskate - Results

Sun, Aug 1, 2021
GcVII (GRIND CHALLENGE VII) - Online Contest by Syeahskate - Results

GcVIII (GRIND CHALLENGE VII) - 17 teams battle for survival. Proudly organised by Syeahskate (Rules). Calling out to all survivors around the world. This is THE AFTERMATH. Make a blading edit in 33 days. 3-8 crew members. No skateparks. Check all the entries in this playlist.

1st place: THE HIGHLANDERS (Scotland: Aberdeen / Edinburgh / Glasgow)

Featuring Jamie Rankin, Dan Koss, Graeme Forbes, Neil Forbes, Lewis Bowden, James Keyte, Elliot Provan & Craig Anderson.

GcVII (GRIND CHALLENGE VII) - Online Contest by Syeahskate - Results

2nd place: TEAM NØRMAL (Belgium)

Featuring Jan Delbaere (Bruges), Mathijs Delbaere (Bruges), Dennis Van Stappen (Gent), Remy Meister (Bruxelles), Gilles Buelens (Leuven) & Yuri Debouvry (Bruges).

GcVII (GRIND CHALLENGE VII) - Online Contest by Syeahskate - Results

3rd place: ANGRY SOIR (Berlin, Germany)

Featuring Gideon Dopslaf, Jung JJurek, Marcus, Nils Loster, Alfons, Sebo, Miro, Gregory & Jonas Rogge.

GcVII (GRIND CHALLENGE VII) - Online Contest by Syeahskate - Results
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Syeahskate - GcVII: The Aftermath (2021) - Online Contest

Sat, Jul 31, 2021

GRIND CHALLENGE VII (2021) - 17 teams battle for survival. Proudly organised by Syeahskate.

Syeahskate - GcVII: The Aftermath (2021) - Online Contest

Check all the entries in this playlist.

Grind Challenge VII - Calling out to all survivors around the world. This is THE AFTERMATH. Make a blading edit in 33 days. 3-8 crew members. No skateparks.


Your edits will be awarded points on:

  • BEST SKATING (3500 points)
  • BEST VIDEO (3000 points)
  • MOST CREATIVE VIDEO (2000 points)
  • MAKE US LAUGH HARD (1500 points)

CHALLENGE LIST (Feel free to do any or none of them)

// THEMATICS (1000 points)

  • Make a specific movie –themed edit. Go wild.
  • Make a short doc that involves your friends/scene.

// BEST ONE WINS (200 points)

  • Longest Rail wins.
  • Best Bail - If you break no points
  • Skitch the weirdest vehicle you can find.
  • Coolest “Launch” into water! Get creative
  • Do a cool Matthew Ledoux parkour move
  • Steeziest “Rocket Fish”
  • Craziest “Downhill” wins. Don’t Die.
  • Longest cess slide wins!
  • Grind a kids park slide.
  • Send a “Rail Transfer” Sickest one wins
  • Land a “540” on a stair-set
  • Do a “same trick” line, normal & switch.
  • “Fakie Stair-Bash” (most stairs win)
  • Grind the highest spot you can skate.
  • Post a funny “Meme” on the event page

// AERIALS (50 points)

  • “180 Wallride to 180 out” on a stairset
  • Jump over a tall trashcan
  • Get speed for jump from a bicycle or electric scooter
  • Do a steezy “That Grab” Don’t ask me, research!
  • Do a 3-step “wall-walk” on a fence.
  • “Zero spin” over a bench.
  • Do the lowest legit “Wallride” you can. Get super low.
  • Do something cool on any non-skatepark Fullpipe
  • Do a legit Collin Martin “Compression”

// GRINDS (50 points)

  • Do a “Fish” - Parallel Grabbed. ooohh shiiit
  • Do a Dan Collins underhook Royale
  • Do a “270 Unity” - GC6 best Meme
  • “360 Inspin Mizou”
  • Any legit “Hurricane” grind
  • Do a legit “AO Hotdog”
  • Land a “Fakie 3 True Soul”
  • Do one full circle on a round rail
  • Grind to Cess to Grind
  • Do a long “270 Back Backslide”
  • Do a 3 grind line. End the line with the hardest trick. If that is lame, no points.

// LETS GET R-TARDED IN HERE (100 points).

  • Do a Kink dressed up like Farmer.
  • Land something cool inside a supermarket.
  • Find a spot with a waterfall in the background. Skate under it and get + 100 points.
  • Skitch in a go-kart, fast!
  • Get respect from the police, like a high 5!
  • Prank a teammate & get a good reaction.
  • Skate naked!
  • Tell us a quick joke! If it sucks you lose 50 points.


  • If you announced your team on time you start with 500 points
  • Any injury requiring a visit to the hospital earns you 300 points


  • Any tricks or spots posted online will cost you 1000 points
  • Deviations from the rules might cost you 500 points

// RIP

  • In dear memory of our friend and fellow blader Bogos Kapamatzian, whoever sends his signature “Fakie Backflip” on a stair set will be awarded 1500 points


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Ground Control - Athens City Check With Alex Burston (2018)

Sat, May 12, 2018
Ground Control - Athens City Check With Alex Burston (2018)

City Check Athens - Alex Burston is taking to the road to discover some new places and to meet up with locals to session and have a good laugh. Good thing Alex got a new camera so he could share some of his experiences with you all.

Ground Control - Athens City Check With Alex Burston (2018)

Enjoy some of the worlds best places to skate, cruise and chill and meeting some amazing people along the way. In this first installment Alex takes us to Athens, Greece to stay for a few days/sessions at Athens bladehouse hosted by the Syeah skate family. He also catches Friday Night Skate with the local city crew.

From rooftop grind box sessions to dining-room mini-ramp fun, the Athens Blade house provided some good fun to be had. Cruises with the City skaters of Athens, zooming around the shadowy suburbs of Athens city centre, skitching cars on the GC tri frames was a blast.

A quick stop of at Latraac for some food and a half bowl session couldn’t go missed. All things executed by Alex and skaters in the edit was done at their own risk. Always have fun but always remember to be cautious and safe.

THANK YOU to Nick Kouros for letting me stay at the blade house. THANK YOU to everyone I met in Athens for all the hospitality I will definetly be back. Skaters as seen in order: Nick Kouros, Akis Rizos, Mike Chudziak, John Cico, Gianis Skaltsas, Aggelos Apostolopoulos, Nikos Diakoumeas, Alex Burston, Fotis Theodoridis, Panos mototyres, Stamatina Choutou, Messie Rold, Mike Chudziak, Panagiotis Vikatos, Sergios Tsagkaris, Daphne Empedocle, Rami Ramantan & Nikos Diakoumeas.

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Athens Calling for Summer Rolling (2018) - Gold Grippin' Edit

Tue, Mar 13, 2018
Athens Calling for Summer Rolling (2018) - Gold Grippin' Edit

This video is about one of the best rollerblading experiences to date! Last summer Nick Kouros from Syeahskate invited us to visit Athens for the legendary Blade House event and a trip to one of the most surreal places - Blu Enigma on Andros Island.

Athens Calling for Summer Rolling (2018) - Gold Grippin' Edit

That was a pleasure to meet all of these amazing people from all around the Europe and share the whole thing as a family. This is something more than rollerblading trip and definitely worth it! :) - Rusen Minchev (Bulgaria).

Camera and edit: Gold Grippin’ (Digital Production Collective: Gabriela Mineva, Rusen Minchev). Music: The Black Keys - Fever, Portugal The Man - Atomic Man, Houndmouth - Sedona. Riders: Rusen Minchev, Lucas Spenle, Freddy White, Nikos Karatzounis, Ivaylo Stanimirov Kanev, Avi Barouh, Nick Kouros, John Cico, Romina Ioannidou, Christian Clss, Nikos Diakoumeas, Gaston Rattus Rattus, Babis Gerdani, Sören Cornelius Witzel, Chris Ppd, Chosen Mike, Damien Silbe, Aggelos Six, Argyris Pandazaras, Odysseas Selelmazidis, Andreas Tsam, Bogos Kapamajian.

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Athens Blade House 2017 - Party + Blading Contest, Edit by Nick Kouros

Mon, Oct 23, 2017
Athens Blade House 2017 - Party + Blading Contest, Edit by Nick Kouros

Syeahskate is a group of friends from Athens, Greece, who love to blade. We have built our residential home into a blade - house! Equipped with terrace rail-boxes, an indoor bowl, a handrail and more, we are happy to present to you to our 5th annual event!

Athens Blade House 2017 - Party + Blading Contest, Edit by Nick Kouros

Shot by Steve Kekis & Alex Mas. Cut by Nick Kouros.

Athens Blade House 2017 - Party + Blading Contest, Edit by Nick Kouros

RESULTS | Best over-all blader: Lucas Spenle (Bordeaux). Blade House achievement award: Panos Makrilakis (Volos). Syeahskate Heavyweight Champion: Freddy White (Brussels).

Photo: Freddy White by Ilias Mertis. Music: Bangies - “wackman” ; Insect Radio - “Raining blood” (Slayer cover). Visit Athensbladehouse.com.

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Blade House (Athens, Greece) - Rooftop Switchups Session (2017) by Nick Kouros

Mon, Jun 19, 2017
Blade House (Athens, Greece) - Rooftop Switchups Session (2017) by Nick Kouros

With: Nikos Diakoumeas, Richie Eisler, Giorgos Mitropoulos, Dan Collins, George Saradoulias, Dominic Bruce, Panos Vouterakos, Nikos Kouros, John Cico, Freddy White, Nasos Katralis, Karsten Boysen, Agelos Apostolopoulos, Dimitris Kiriatzakis, Akis Rizos, Jarrod Mcbay, John Stavropoulos, Mike Stavrakis, Odiseas Selelmazidis, Gianis Skaltsas, Lubos Turek, Andreas Tsamtsouris, Nicholas Cornford, Nikos Karatzounis, Tim Wolff & Dano Gorman.

Blade House (Athens, Greece) - Rooftop Switchups Session (2017) by Nick Kouros

Music: Swollen Members - King Of Diamonds (Disagree Interlude).

Visit Athensbladehouse.com.

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Blading Wiki, a wiki dedicated to Inline Skating

Rollerblading Gems

Niko Salaman (2024) by Mark Worner

Nathan Bentley - Drown (2024) - Solo Street Sessions

Tallboyz - Crabcakes & Football | Maryland/DC/VA Tour Video (2024)

'CARRER' - A Furtius Video by Ferran Laparra (Spain)

Cougar Skates - Paris - Julien Cudot & Lenny Jourda

Mesmer Tiki - Levi van Rijn, John Bolino, Billy O'Neill, Ichi  & Friends

WEAK KNIGHTS // Josiah Blee & Jake Dotson

Cameron Talbott in 'Dos Dias' - A video by Cody Lampman

Mount Average [Rollerblading Video] - LUDUS Skaterblade - Vienna (Austria, 2024)

Alex Burston - In a Bit (Stockport, UK)

Jacob Juul and Storm (LOW Skate Academy) - Trigger Street Edit

OWC presents 'Orange: Mathieu Ledoux and Charles Nantel'

OG (more)

Jon Julio - Bridges, by Brian Freeman - S1EP4 - Documentary

Vincent - A documentary by Ivan Narez-Hurtado

Mike French - Back Like I Never Left

Vince Camarillo Section - Bay Area - JSF Edit

Big Wheels (more)

Tallboyz - OPS2 - Big Wheel Blading Edit

Leon Basin and Stuart Brattey - Wizard Base and Wizard Base High

Astral Blade x FTS (2022) with Pat Ridder, Sandro Gruenheid, Dominik Stransky & Friends - Big Wheels

Skaters: | Joe Atkinson | Brian Aragon | Chihiro Azuma | Carlos Bernal | Beat Schillmeier | Sam Crofts | John Bolino | Alex Broskow | Julien Cudot | Warren Digne | Richie Eisler | Eugen Enin | Chris Farmer | Demetrios George | Mathieu Heinemann | Nils Jansons | Montre Livingston | Nick Lomax | Franky Morales | Mery Muñoz | Mathias Silhan | Brian Shima | Soichiro Kanashima | Chynna Weierstall | Takeshi Yasutoko

Skate Brands: Adapt | Deshi | Faction | Gawds | Iqon | Nimh | Razors | Roces | Seba | SSM | Them | Trigger | USD |