FIT CHECK: We took samples of our new shell sizes to two of the biggest skate competitions in the world so you could check the fit. - Them Skates.
Related Tags: bacemint Brand.
FIT CHECK: We took samples of our new shell sizes to two of the biggest skate competitions in the world so you could check the fit. - Them Skates.
Filmed & edited by Sean Kelso. Additional camera by Colin Kelso. Music by Roland Jones and Swum. Audio effects by Sean Kelso and Chris Schackerman.
Trivia: FDR Skatepark is a skatepark located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. It is accessible from the Pattison Avenue stop of the Broad Street subway line (Wikipedia).
V-02HD - Dead x bacemint. Featuring: Colin Kelso, Alex Broskow, Sean Kelso. Filmed by: Adam Johnson and Shawn Engler. Edited by: Adam Johnson and Shawn Engler. Visual FX by: Shawn Engler. Logo Design by: Nicholas Stahl.
Made possible by Jeromy Morris, Jeremy Rockwell, Wayne Propst, Bruce Matler, Nick Stahl, Joseph Shull, Joel Bonner, Pennie Liu, and Pat Doherty. Visit Bladingisdead.com.
Them Skates collaboration skate with bacemint. The BACETHEM 909 comes in our fresh new bubble mint color way! Complete with throwback 90’s inspired graphic patterned Intuition liners and just the right touch of color accents on the buckles and cuff bolts.
Co-designed by the Kelso Brothers, Jon Julio, & Mike Mcmullen. 909 Shell and Them Street Frame molds designed by Kyle Sola and Jon Julio.
The BACETHEM 909 debuts our all new size range. 2 new shells: XS/S 7-7.5 259mm interior shell length & SM/M 9-9.5 289mm interior shell length. Custom Intuition Liner design - Form fitted to our 909 shells. Ships late August 2023. Visit Themgoods.com.
Ghetto Community edit, featuring: Anddy Crxck, Chino Sin, Carlos Montenegro, Tim Franken, Zack Savage & Sean Kelso.
JUNE 10th 2023. Paine’s Skatepark - Philadelphia, PA - NEXT COMPETITION: July 8th - New Jersey.
The legendary Playground Rail in Philadelphia. Credits - Denial/ Genre: Chris Majette, Mike Rios, Videogroove: Dave Paine, b-unique: Brown Brothers, Vibralux: Adam Johnson, The Truth video series: Austin Paz & Sean Kelso.
A compilation by Scoreback (Youtube Channel).
Craig Spaven just shred this gem. Enjoy!
Matt Luda’s sections from Voodoo Show (2012, Full Video), Fishguys4 (2019 - PLAY: Trailer | Full Video) and Golazo (2011, PLAY). Original videos by Amir Amadi and The Kelso Brothers.
Sean Kelso - Tech Skating in Philly, for Create Originals.
Previously: Bacemint - ZEPHYR4.0 (2023) by Sean Kelso - Full Video.
Them Skates skaters skating BCSD 2023. Featuring: Alexander Broskow, Doug Williams, Colin Kelso, Sean Kelso, & Miguel Ramos. A video by the skate company.
Visit theskate.company | BCSD 2023 - More Media.