Watermelon Tour 2017, one week of adventures & blading in Portugal featuring Xavi Equino, Dexter & Friends. Edit by On Six Side.
Watermelon Tour 2017, one week of adventures & blading in Portugal featuring Xavi Equino, Dexter & Friends. Edit by On Six Side.
Portourgal by Paco Rey. Featuring the VLC Crew.
VLC Crew, touring Portugal in 2016. Featuring: Teles Angel, Carles Rurich, Ivan Iliaga, Angel Zorraquino, Jesus Caravaca, Alex Cebrian, Ferran Laparra, Juan Velasco, David Serrano, Paco Rey & more.
Here are some clips of Portourgal by Paco Rey, expect a longer version, soon. Featuring: Teles Angel, Carles Rurich, Ivan Iliaga, Angel Zorraquino, Jesus Caravaca, Alex Cebrian, Ferran Laparra, Juan Velasco, David Serrano, Paco Rey & more.
A blading flick about the portuguese blading scene! Filmed during one week of daily skating with our great friend, from Grindhoven, Daniel Laufs. Thanks Marcelo Oliveira for hosting us in Porto. Thanks to everyone involved for such good times! Thanks Ricardo Gracio for the music.