Me and some of the boys decided to drive up to Norman for the Oklahoma Showdown. I haven’t spent much time in Oklahoma prior to this trip and I have to say, it’s pretty sick. The weather was super nice, the streets spots are incredible (and untapped), the prices at the bar were incredibly cheap and everyone we skated with was an absolute pleasure.
When I first rolled up to the contest I was shocked to see 35 brand new pairs of Kaltik skates. For anyone that doesn’t know, Kaltik makes a very good junior sized skate. Normally at these donation/charity style contests, there’s actually very few newcomers that skates are given too. It’s normally dudes that have been skating forever, taking whatever parts they find interesting. I was pleasantly surprised to see every pair of skates get given to kids that were genuinely interested in it. Kids that actually already knew how to skate. - Cody Sanders.
Bonus Edit: Oklahoma Showdown - Random Clips, by Nate Nyman - PLAY.