Louis Zamora - VG14 Live (2000) Videogroove.
Music: “Remember Me (Original Mix)” by Blue Boy.
Iconic Skate Spot: The legendary Hollywood High 16 Stair. Featuring Demetrious George, Mike Johnson, Josh Letona, Brian Hamm, Kevin Gillan, Lyle Shivak, Aaron Feinberg, Billy Prislin, Louis Zamora, Jeff Stockwell, Mike Radebough, Dominic Sagona, Brian Shima, Shayne Skower, Franky Morales, Rachard Johnson, Gonzo, Hoan Phong, Chris Haffey, Carlos Pianowski, Anthony Gallegos, Chris Farmer Jon Julio & more.
A compilation by Scoreback (Youtube Channel).
All the craziness that went down at the legendary El Toro. Edit featuring: Demetrious George, Mike Johnson, Josh Letona, Brian Hamm, Kevin Gillan, Lyle Shivak, Aaron Feinberg, Billy Prislin, Louis Zamora, Jeff Stockwell, Mike Radebough, Dominic Sagona, Brian Shima, Shayne Skower, Franky Morales, Rachard Johnson, Gonzo, Hoan Phong, Chris Haffey, Carlos Pianowski, Anthony Gallegos, Chris Farmer & more.
A compilation by Scoreback (Youtube Channel).
Fan Favorites: Congratulations to Nils Jansons (55.2% of the vote).
Judges Results
Judges Votes
Thanks Corky Segue.
This was the second match of the day between Chris Calkins and Steve Bundy! These guys set it off in a game of B.L.A.D.E. (July 2012). Hosted by Beau Cottington & Louis Zamora.
Video on Youtube: PLAY
Filmed & Edited by Max Manning. Featuring Andrew Dipaolo, Chris Calkins, Gene Galang, Russell Day, Winston Wardwell. Orion Staff: Louie Zamora, Jason Kasid, Gus Mendoza, Ryan Nafsu.
Video Offline.
A quick insight to the typical weekend with Orion Live Skate Contests. This month Orion Live has teamed up with non other than Santee’s finest. Damien Wilson and the rest of the Fester household provided us with a hell of an obstacle and a kick ass time.
We started the day off with a couple games of shoes and beers and before you know it the place was packed and the show had begun. Andrew Dipaolo actually ended up taking the throne on this one though you would never know from watching this edit.
Footage was takin in more of a fun Broll like manner rather than actually focusing on the skating itself. Wanted to kinda portray the good times we’ve been having over here at Orion while provided you all with a free online HD streamed competition.
Couple Focus Pulls were definitely a bit off as I was having some serious issues with my Zoom’s Aperture Diaphragm (It wouldn’t come out of 3.5 or 2.8) I literally had to drop my native iso back to 100 and then give it extra shutter to maintain a solid dynamic range. - Max Manning.
An Oldschool skate video by T-Bone Films ; guest editor: Bryan Bell (RIP).
Bryan Bell’s late 90s video “My Daily Routine” is a certified classic. It’s the perfect place to kick off a column about blade treasures from the past.
“My Daily Routine” looks exactly like what it is, a bunch of friends going out and fucking around with a video camera. It makes skating look like a lot of fun and doesn’t take itself too seriously. It is full of shots filmed with poorly-sized fisheye lenses, lines on small ledges and benches, 360s off of curbs, graffiti, break dancing, booty shakin, boozing, fights, enough mushroom blading to make those guys from Vancouver proud, homemade bombs, and plenty of other shit to make your mom upset that she bought it for you.
All of that B-roll helped keep the video interesting and added to the flow of it. It was always a favorite of my friends that didn’t blade… […] Full Article on Oneblademag.com.
Video Playlist on Youtube with profiles of Louie Zamora, Armand Marchand, Eric Schrijn, Kevin Karis, Ernie Villarino, Josh Petty, Nik Poderick, Champion Baumstimler, Bryan Bell & more.