Danny Malm is one of the best rollerbladers and most slept on. Here is his Stay Fakey section. Sorry for taking so long Dan! - Kevin Kai Yee.
Danny Malm is one of the best rollerbladers and most slept on. Here is his Stay Fakey section. Sorry for taking so long Dan! - Kevin Kai Yee.
The buddies and I filmed this over the summer and fall in Minnesota before I moved. - Shane Mcclay.
Featuring: Shane Mcclay, Michael Garlinghouse, John Haynes, Kenji kai yee, Mike Luftholm, Blake Cohen & Jimmy Hake.
Full Video starring: John Vossoughi, Neil Chen, Brendan Tidd, Czar, and Jeremy Raff.
Also featuring: Victor Arias, Casey Bagozzi, Sean Keane, Tobias Holden, Zach Flynn, Erick Garcia, Sean Salazar, Pat, Brian Bina, Thomas McGovern, Kevin Yee, Thomas Martin, Ross Kuhn, Derek Henderson, Joey Ihara, Tyler the Destroyer, Robbie Pitts, Cameron Talbot, Brian Freeman & Danny Malm.
Up an At’em (2014) by Isiah England. A midwest blade video featuring full sections from Jeph Howard, Shane Mcclay, Wilson Robinson, Isiah England, Kevin Yee, Cody Nehiba, and Josh Ulrichsen.
Also featuring skating from many friends such as Chase Linzmeyer, Jay Davis, Jake Matter, Nick Meidl, Corey Glanville, Kevin Meland, Brett Dasovic Brad Magunson, Mike Garlinghouse, Kyle Juntunen and Blake Herlache.
Up and at’em, More Sections - PLAY: Intro | Jeph Howard | Shane McClay | Cody Nehiba | Isiah England | Friends | Kevin Yee + Teaser | Teaser 2
The Xsjado Skate Company Skate Company presents a film by Paul John. The Xsjado Video starring Chris Farmer, Jeff Stockwell, Ben Schwab, JC Rowe, Paul John, Dustin Werbeski, Victor Galicia, Kevin Yee, Lee Martin, Mike Obedoza & Marcus Benavides.
Filmed by Jc Rowe, Paul John, Brandon Negrete & Sean Sea. Music: The Dead Can Dance – The Fatal Impact.