Elite Series No. 5 with Alex Burston drops 1/3/18.
Photo: Patric Stahl (Patricstahl.com).
Pennon Pictures - Elite Series. A Film by Jonas Hansson, Starring Richie Eisler. VOD Available on Sellfy ($6).
Richie Eisler is trickling out footage from his seemingly bottomless bank and like all good artists he is picking his moments carefully. Today sees the release of his Elite Series part in collaboration with Danish film making connoisseur Jonas Hansson. We caught up with Richie for some extra insight into one of the most exciting releases of the year… […]
Pennon Pictures - Elite Series. A Film by Jonas Hansson, starring Scott Quinn. VOD available on Sellfy.
Pennon Pictures - Elite Series. A Film by Jonas Hansson, starring Scott Quinn. VOD available on sellfy next friday 17/11/11.
Soichiro Kanashima and Yuto Goto shared a split part in SOTA. Here it is online for free. Shot in Okayama, Japan in september 2015. This has to be one of my favorite trips ever. - Jonas Hansson.
SOTA (State of the Art). Get your copy today 50% off on Sellfy.
Pennon Pictures Presents STATE OF THE ART. A New Film By Jonas Hansson. Main cast: Eugen Enin, Joe Atkinson, David Sizemore. Also Featuring: Soichiro Kanashima, Yuto Goto, Josh Glowicki & Montre Livingston. With Kirill Galushko, Howie Bennett and more. SOTA was shot from February to November 2015, entirely on the Sony F5 Cinema Camera.
Jacob Juul teamed up with Jonas Hansson to film this Aeon 72 video. And like always, their work is amazing!
Previously: Jacob Juul in Venezuela (2017) - USD Edit.
The Elite Series continues this winter with Scott Quinn, Richie Eisler and Alex Burston. - Jonas Hansson.
Flashback. “David Sizemore Valo V13, We made this two years ago… Time flies.” - Jonas Hansson.
Music: Elmore James – it hurts me too.
Pennon Pictures - Elite Series. A Film by Jonas Hansson, Starring Eugen Enin. VOD available on Sellfy, friday May 19th.
The video is now available on Sellfy for $6.