Legacy, the 2005 USD team video by Joe Navran - Full Video: PLAY. Featuring: Dustin Latimer, Brian Shima, Champion Baumstimler, Josh Petty, Kevin Gillan, Jon Julio, Carlos Pianowski, Arlo Eisenberg, Abdiel Colberg, Dominic Sagona, Robert Lievanos, Gonzo Jaquez, Evgeny Leonov, Albert Hooi, Demetrios George, Aaron Feinberg, Rachard Johnson, Scott Raser, Sean Kelso, Mark Korte, Cameron Card & more.
Video Offline.
2003 Inline Skating video by Jan Welch. This is the sequel to United Front which was released back in 2000. Features profiles on: Nick Wood, Gonzo Jaquez, Damien Wilson, Chase Rushing and Connor O’Brien. Skating from: Brian Shima, Jon Elliott, Dustin Latimer, Brandon Campbell, Chris Haffey, Alex Broskow and many more.
Video on Youtube: PLAY.
Dave Paine and his 12 years of inline experience brings us VG 23 “Delegation of Authority”. Featuring coast to coast skating from the ever changing army of VG camera soldiers. Profiles on Gonzalo Jaquez, Connor O’Brien, Scott Raser, and Jeph Howard. Available on shops.