The last “big” contest in America happened this weekend in Santa Ana, CA. I missed filming the open comp the first day and my battery was dead during the bladies & OG’s competition… Sorry homies. I got a good portion of the rest of it though.
Everyone should try and make it next year, I was really surprised by the diverse turn out. I normally expect a CA comp to have a majority of people skating in it to be from CA, but there were just as many international dudes in attendance. Now that I think about it, there were a lot of surprises with this one.
Pro’s skated the comp (rare), there were a ton of booths set up showcasing all the latest and greatest (powerslide, RZRS, themgoods, dead, etc), the heats didn’t excessively run over the time limit… Wow. It was actually run really well. The after party was located right above the competition at a bar called Native Sons. If anyone from there reads this (they won’t) thanks for putting up with rollerblader shenanigans…
The Feet 4 premier happened next door to the competition at “The Frida” cinema. We packed this place out, hundreds of us cramming into this tiny theatre. Lonnie Gallegos showed up fashionably late with the video that was finished maybe 30 minutes prior to viewing, haha. Really great video, the place was full of cheers. The video will be available at
I always make fun of California (because it’s the hub and i’m jealous), but they really put on a good time this weekend. It was welcoming, well organized and constantly exciting. You should go. I’m going to start going every year. Love y’all. - Cody Sanders.
feet 4. feeturing: Chris Farmer, Robert Guerrero, Michael Obedoza, Tim Franken, Kruise Sapstein, Brian Weis, Jeremy Soderburg, Chris Calkins, Joey Lunger.
Robert Guerrero, 30 days of Blading - Day 22, with special guests: Billy O’Neill & Jay Ralph.
Check the Video on Instagram.
Wednesday Morning Rituals in the OC. Feeturing Robert Guerrero, Mike Obedoza, Chuck Cauton, & Earvin Pamintuan.
Footage compiled in Dallas, TX during the years of 2005 to 2009, which ended up in the videos 2Feet to Fade Nation’s Green. Shot - Lonnie Gallegos. Keep your eyes peeled for F33T.5. - Chris Farmer.
Following the Lonnie Gallegos f33t post, Chris Farmer just posted this gem.
November 2013. Los Angeles, CA. I had done a slightly shorter kink rail multiple times in order to get the shot that ended up in the F33T intro and had no idea that right around the corner a larger rail going into the metro existed… In consecutive order, first try, second try, and third try… - Chris Farmer.
Shot by Lonnie Gallegos. Keep your eyes peeled for F33T.5.
Chris Farmer did this rail for the f33t intro. It didn’t make the cut because of timing with music. Then we went back and re-shot it again after the video was released. - Lonnie Gallegos.
Check the video on Instagram | Chris Farmer - f33t Section (2014): PLAY. Support the feet team and get F33t on Sellfy
for $5.
In an awesome studio in downtown Los Angeles I get to talk with the Feet crew. We sit around a 50s dinner table and talk all about the upcoming feet Dvd. I talk to Lonnie Gallegos, Joey Lunger, Brian Weis and Chris Farmer. - Steve Johns.
Truspin Podcast by Steve Johns: A deep dive into the lives and careers of past and future Bladers. Check the podcast on your favourite platform: Soundcloud, Stitcher, Libsyn, Itunes.
Lonnie Gallegos is working on feet 4. And good news Chris Farmer will be part of it!
Finally bought Chris Farmer a ticket to LA so we can do more of this soon. - Lonnie Gallegos.
Check the Video on Instagram.
Rob G. & this Fishbrain from his f33t profile. Photo taken in Alhambra, California. Larger picture on Imgur (via Instagram).