USD @ Xmas Jam, 2023 Edition: “The Gathering”. Skaters: Eugen Enin, Sven Ischen, Bastian Thuring, Jakob Esselmann & Thorben Schoen. Filmed & edited by Daniel Enin.
USD @ Xmas Jam, 2023 Edition: “The Gathering”. Skaters: Eugen Enin, Sven Ischen, Bastian Thuring, Jakob Esselmann & Thorben Schoen. Filmed & edited by Daniel Enin.
“Thanks to the Bocholt Indoor skatepark fur using their park editor to build some new challenges!”. Riders: Eugen Enin / Borklyn Zoo.
“Flat, Freestyle, Anti-Rocker - they all have their benefits, and now with the Kizer Shift Unlimited, you no longer have to choose between different frames. This new concept allows skaters to easily switch between wheel setups depending on their needs and personal skating style. Kizer’s Shift Unlimited concept features a single base frame skeleton and three different blocks: composite flat block for street, park, and bowl skating; an anti-rocker block that works perfectly with small anti-rocker wheels (45 to 49mm); and a freestyle block for unencumbered grinds and creativity”. Filmed & edited by Daniel Enin.
Designed by Layon Chang / BRA. Incorporating rocker spacers, the Shift Unlimited allows you to roll on almost any combination of wheel setups, including: Flat: Bearing bosses rockered UP - Max 55 mm wheels, Bearing bosses rockered DOWN - Max 60mm wheels, Hilo (rockered UP outside, rockered DOWN inside) - 60 mm outside, 55 mm inside. Antirocker/Freestyle: Bearing bosses rockered UP - Max 65 mm wheels, Bearing bosses rockered DOWN - Max 68mm wheels. Antirocker/Freestyle with a recess in Soulplates: Bearing bosses rockered UP - Max 68 mm wheels, Bearing bosses rockered DOWN - Max 76mm wheels.
Eugen Enin is the real king of barbecue! A Borklyn Zoo Video.
Eugen Enin - Plastic Pushers, Volume III - B-Roll. Unseen clips and bails and the fun in between, by Cavin Brinkman. Special guest: Chris Farmer.
Previously: Eugen Enin - Plastic Pushers Vol.3 Part.
Borklyn Zoo - Nils Tapes Vol. 3 - featuring Eugen Enin, Shimmy, Leon, Faxe, Hennes, Nils & Kristof.
This is Eugen Enin’s part from Plastic Pushers Volume III. Plastic Pushers Volume IV comes out mid december 2023, you can already check some b-roll here - PLAY.
In August 2023, a group of individuals with inhuman strength was witnessed causing disturbances in the city of New New York. Surveillance footage showed the culprits: They were replicants - PLAY.
Replicants, for those unfamiliar, were originally designed as advanced biomechanical beings, created to perform tasks deemed dangerous for humans. Their AI was sophisticated, but it was believed they lacked the human touch – emotions, consciousness, and free will. But the events unfolding in New York suggested otherwise… Featuring: John Bolino, Eugen Enin & Yuto Goto.
Before the street session in Essen started, we have met up with Jo Zenk & Sven Ischen in the Krupp Park to get some clips! - Eugen Enin.
Congrats to Eugen Enin for winning this year’s Abriss (Berlin, Germany)! Skating by Eugen Enin, Michael Müller & Bastian Thüring. Filmed and edited by Daniel Enin.