In this video you can see how hard Eugen Enin worked for his tricks in his Pro Skate Promo! Locations: Borken, Dortmund, Frankfurt am Main, Düsseldorf, Arnhem, Köln, Münster. Dates: 28.12.2016 - 26.03.2017.
In this video you can see how hard Eugen Enin worked for his tricks in his Pro Skate Promo! Locations: Borken, Dortmund, Frankfurt am Main, Düsseldorf, Arnhem, Köln, Münster. Dates: 28.12.2016 - 26.03.2017.
If you wanna visit another skatepark like Karnap in Essen, just do a carnap to skip the time! Riders: Eugen Enin, Sven Ischen and Fabian Block.
Music: Motat - Everything (Soundcloud), Bag Raiders - Shooting Stars (Youtube).
Eugen Enin’s part from SOTA. Shot in Germany and Denmark in 2015. SOTA #stateoftheart. Get your copy today 50% off at Sellfy.
State of the Art (2015), a film by Jonas Hansson. Main cast: Eugen Enin, Joe Atkinson, David Sizemore. Also Featuring: Soichiro Kanashima, Yuto Goto, Josh Glowicki, Montre Livingston. With Kirill Galushko, Howie Bennett and more. Available on Sellfy ($9.50).
Eugen Enin tried out the Billy O’Neill Allstar Aeon Skate for a session. He paid hommage with some classic Fish tricks and added his own flavor. Cam and Cut by Daniel Enin.
Flashback: 10 Days in Moscow, Featuring Sam Crofts & Eugen Enin (august 2015, 14-24). Filmed & edited by Victor Bayramov.
Music by Keykeyo, Mount Kimbie & Krovostok.
Fuck Winter Session 6 - Trier (Germany) Skatehall. Featuring: Eugen Enin, Dany Molinari, Fly Barbelin & Gil Silva Cunha. Camera and edit: Kevin Ciman.
Previously: Fuck Winter Session 2017 - Hosted by The Blackjack Project - Edit by Tyriek Gibson.
Eugen Enin - Just Blade by Daniel Enin. Filmed in Germany in 2016.
Photo: Sam Cooper.
“We didn’t believe that we were able to skate these 2 scheunen again this year! We had a lot of fun!” Riders: Sven Ischen, Rafael Kosiarski, Eugen Enin, Benjamin Meier, Sebastian Rier, Hendrik Segal and Tilo.
Note: “scheune” means “barn” in english, you guessed it!
Previously: Borklyn Zoo - Secret Scheune (2017) - Part I. Session in a pretty amazing Barn with Eugen Enin & Friends.