This ain’t a leftover edit!
(PLAY) - With so many skaters in front of my lens, it was hard to choose what tricks to use for the full length. Here are the ones that still deserved to see the light of day. - Cavin Brinkman. Music: Kujo - Waves Of Belonging, Movements - Kept.
Clement Boucau,
Lucas Spenle,
Erik Droogh,
Matthijs van Kleij,
Jeroen Wullems,
Pail Ruksa,
Luca Gobbo,
Adriaan Poortmans,
Vladimir Kocherga,
Lennert Goormans
Pascal Tan,
Francesco Fama,
Davy Wouda,
Sem Croft,
Sebastiaan van Wijk,
Vivien Butot,
Wisse Ankersmit,
Dominik Wagner,
Levi van Rijn,
Randy Abels,
Cody Lampman,
Marnix Haak,
Patrick smith,
Hadrien Bastouil,
Nolan Charbonnier,
Stan Kogutyak,
Cavin Brinkman,
Claudio Bohli,
Reto Burgin,
Dean Bradley
Jeremy Fanfaron,
Freddy White,
Chris Calkins,
Victor Daum,
Hayden Ball,
Yves Maurer,
Chris Farmer,
Eugen Enin,
Billy Murton,
Zachary Pollak,
Mozes den Blanken &
Jon Fromm.
To celebrate the release of our Feed the Birds range, Capital Rollas went to Barcelona. For some of us it was the first time out of the country and 2 years.
Filmed of the course of 6 day. Featuring: Bruce Dobbie, Danielle McCloskey, Billy Murton, Blake Bird, Matt Smith , Nick Bone, Tom Sharman, Jamie Harris, Javi Garrido, Dan Robinson and Vlad. Filmed by Tom Sharman and Nick Bone, edited by Tom Sharman. Directed by Jamie Harris. Visit
Presented by Blake Bird & Jamie Harris. Featuring: Alex Burston, Jurgen Nijman, James Bower, Bruce Dobble, Kalleo Hipolito, Sam Crofts, Matty Vella, Graeme Forbes, Aaron Turner, Tom Barrio, Leon Humphries, Jay Cuthbertson, James Keyte, Andy Spary & more.
On September 11th we held this year’s LDN Jam in South London next to the river Thames after not being able to hold one last year due to a global pandemic we did not know how this one would turn out. But we had a budget something we have never had before and we set to work organising the event from buying wood and materials ordering medals sorting out money to pay the Filmer and editors along with staff on the day.
And we could not be more proud of how it turned out so sit back and enjoy this years edition. We would like to thank everybody who has been supported the brand so far and to all the sponsors that sent us prizes without you guys we are nothing! - Capital Rollas.
Previously: Capital Rollas, London Jam 2021 - Edit by Mark Worner + Results.
Few of the gang took a well needed trip away down to Cornwall for some sun sea skate and thunder storms nearly losing the tent one night and the gazebo not being as lucky.. while they got really lucky with the weather a few days one day they took no chances and book themselves into the newly redone Mounthawk skate park witch did not disappoint. - Capital Rollas.
Filmed and edited by Jon Lee. Pasty’s by Jamie Harris. Featuring: Blake Bird, James Bower, Sam Crofts & Billy Murton.
Bank holiday skate session at Exeter Arena i would like to thank everyone that came along was such a wicked day and hopefully we can organise something again until next time. - Mark Worner.
With James Tsoi, James Platten, Billy Murton, Nick Bone, Jake Sawyer, Paul Taylor Dodge, Ross Johnson, Jenny Herbert, Andrew Morrish, Jay Bartley, Terry Sommerville, Tommy Laf & more.
Left over clips… Filmed in 2018/ 2019 in London California and South West England.
Quick Hits: Just a couple clips I chucked together filmed over the last 4 days. - Billy Murton.
New V.O.D in the making. This one is going to be a full length, 10 or so minutes long section! All filmed in my home town Plymouth. I’m going to try and capture all the history, hidden treasures, interesting spots, hammers and everything else this beautiful city has to offer. This is a still from one of the first clips I got, filmed at an old gun station behind Bovisand fort, this fort was built in the 1860s as a defence against the threat posed by Napoleonic France. Let’s just say this rail wasn’t the safest! - Billy Murton (Photo).
Previously: Capital Rollas - Welcome to the Team, Billy Murton (2021).
We would like to welcome Billy Murton to the Capital Rollas family, Bill has been making some noise over the last year with his consistent skating and constant Hammers, winning the MK Street Jam, putting out a VOD (PLAY) earlier this year and producing some of the most consistent content in the UK he was hard to ignore. Welcome to Capital Rollas, Billy Murton.
Photo: Matt Smith (
Previously: Billy Murton - Capital Rollas Edit (2021) by Nick Bone.
Sessions throughout 2021, shot in London. Featuring the skating of Jorgen Nijman, Matt Smith, Simon Isles, James Keyte, James Bower, Sam Crofts, Leon Humphries, Michal Pupava, Tom Sharman, Matt Stewart, Ben Walker, Andy Spary, Danielle McCloskey, Dan Birch, Neil Ingall, Blake Bird, Joe Harvey, Mike Welland, Jamie Ramsay, Charlie Ramsay, Billy Murton, Nick Bone, Brian Barron & Joe Spray.
Additional camera: Joe Spray. Music: Sam Zircon, Kikagaku Moyo, Mogwai & Hugh Mundell.
Our extended family member Billy Murton has been slaying the street lately: he’s just won the MK street battle, released a great VOD and has now blessed us with this piece… Filmed by his good mate Nick Bone.
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