Check the clips of Velvet Couch Team rider Tom Scofield at the 2017 Victorian Inline Titles held at the park in Geelong. Congrats on 3rd place bro! And a huge shout out to Jenny from for organising a awesome event.
Previously: Victorian Inline Titles 2017 (Australia) - Mini Mega Comp @ The Park, Velvet Couch Edit.
Check out the Mini Mega best trick comp from the 2017 Victorian Titles at the Park in Geelong.
- Johnny Jensen
- Hayden Golder
- Nick Petropoulos
Some clips from Brisbane rollerbladers session at the village skatepark. Beat by Biotic
Razors Australia skating the new Razors Shift Skate through the streets of Melbourne. Featuring team riders Martin Gade and Tom Scofield. Filmed & edited by Thomas Dalbis. Special guest: Cuong Huynh. Additional Footage: Glenn Beardmore.
“Perspectives” Aims to shed light on rollerblading’s rich history, following influential figures past and present, in an attempt to document our story.
Scott Crawford is one of a handful of skaters who never quite fit the mould of being a street or vert skater, with equal ability in each discipline. Scott talks about his early days and where skating fits into his life today. - Dom West.
Shot on RED Dragon / Epic-W. Visit
Drop the term “awesome” into your search engine and you’re sure to rack up close to two billion hits. That could be annoying because for many the word isn’t so awesome, but in the hands of ex pro-skater-cum-philosopher Nick Riggle the term turns into an entire ethic-a polysyllable for our times. In a careful and sober ethical account, Riggle sketches what an “awesome” world might look like.
Get the podcast: Download the mp3 | Article on
Martin Gade, For Razors Australia 2017 in SL3 Boots. A collection of clips gathered throughout 2017 in Melbourne and other major cities around Australia. Edited by Glenn Beardmore and Martin Gade.
Music by Fuzz - “Loose Sutures”.
CJ Wellsmore, Black and white at night, by Dom West.
Check the Video on Instagram.
Previously: Night Moves by Dom West | Sessions in Sydney with Elliot Stevens, Craig Broklehurst, Alan Dick, Szymon Dorabialski, Toby Yau, CJ Wellsmore, Dom West, Tien Nguyen, Luciano de Silva, Arron Hollands & Scott Crawford.
Some night moves from a few sessions this winter in Sydney. Shot on C300Mkii + A7Sii.
Featuring Elliot Stevens, Craig Broklehurst, Alan Dick, Szymon Dorabialski, Toby Yau, CJ Wellsmore, Dom West, Tien Nguyen, Luciano de Silva, Arron Hollands & Scott Crawford.
“Went for some noodles, came back with some footage”. Sydney Chinatown, night session, filmed and edited by Tomas Meleg. Featuring Tomas Meleg, Josh Nielsen, Robert Grogan and Louis Burke-Xie.