Displaying posts tagged #Armelle Tisler

NL Contest 2021 (Strasbourg, France) - Full Results

Mon, Aug 30, 2021
NL Contest 2021 (Strasbourg, France) - Full Results


  1. Roman ABRATE
  2. Julien CUDOT
  4. Jeremy MELIQUE
  5. jaro FRIJN
  6. Diaby DIAKO
  7. Frederic BUKOWSKI
  8. Nicolas SERVY
  10. Raul QUILES
  11. Denis GUL
  12. Bibi BIBI
  13. Julien LEMOINE
  14. YORO
  15. Tasnadi BELA
  16. Anthony AYMARD


  1. Nicolas MOUGIN
  3. Roel FRITZ
  4. Nick CALDERON


  1. Munoz MERY
  2. Carla MARTIN
  3. Armelle TISLER
  4. Anaëlle NOGUEIRA
  5. Charlotte CITÉRIN
  6. Coralie TAN
  7. Coline LEMAITRE


  1. Léo FUMERY
  2. Jourda LENNY
  6. Tristan BROCCARD
  7. Adam CARVALHO
  8. Matheo WILHELM
  9. Robin LUPO
  10. matteo HIEGEL
  11. Raimondo NICOLAS
  12. Enzo ROBINI
  13. Aurelien SCHIRM
  14. Mathys SENG
  15. Gradelet MIKE
  16. Kyllian GUIGNIER
  17. Nelson JUNG
  18. Andy HORAT
  19. Jean-François HERVET
  20. Sadio TRAORÉ
  21. Robin EBERHARDT
  22. Max COLLIER
  23. Victor NGUYEN
  24. Valentin TANARI
  25. Nick CALDERON
  26. Hugo BURY
  27. boniface BAYENET
  28. Jérémy HIRONIMUS
  29. Samuel VAINQUEUR
  30. Florent OLEJNICZAK
  31. bartholome BAYENET
  32. Lecouffe RAPHAEL
  33. Alexandre SERRA
  34. séraphin BAYENET
  35. Andrés CRUZ

Full Results, All Categories on NLcontest.com. Updated: 29/08/2021, 19:00

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Pro Bowl Contest 2021 (Marseille, France) - France 3 Broadcast + Results

Sat, Jul 3, 2021
Pro Bowl Contest 2021 (Marseille, France) - France 3 Broadcast + Results

Flyer: Lisa Mary Authie (left) ; Julien Cudot, 1st place Pros Men (right).

The Pro Bowl Contest 2021 took place June 25-27, 2021 in the mythical bowl of Marseille (France). The finals were broadcasted live on France3, the French free-to-air public television channel, here is the video and the results.

Pro Bowl Contest 2021 (Marseille, France) - France 3 Broadcast + Results


  1. Julien Cudot
  2. Yuma Baudoin
  3. Jaro Frijn
  4. Anthony Avella
  5. Diako Diaby
Pro Bowl Contest 2021 (Marseille, France) - France 3 Broadcast + Results


  1. Carla Pasquinelli (FR)
  2. Sara Vilella (ES)
  3. Armelle Tisler (FR)
Pro Bowl Contest 2021 (Marseille, France) - France 3 Broadcast + Results

Best Tricks

  • Pros Men - Best Trick: Diako DIABY - 450 alley oop soul on the wallride.
  • Pros Women - Best Trick: Armelle TISLER - 540 true spin top soul on the Mozart module.

More Results on Probowlcontest.fr. Note: At the moment, some of the results on the website are incomplete (Pros Men Results shown are from the qualifs, with the score from the final, Pro Women results are not available).

Photos courtesy of probowlcontest.fr.

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Winterclash 2020 - Full Results

Thu, Feb 27, 2020
Winterclash 2020 - Full Results

Photo: Greger Flak.


  1. Diako Diaby
  2. Nils Jansons
  3. Dominic Bruce
  4. Robert Spassov
  5. Antony Pottier
  6. Tomek Przybylik
  7. Yuto Goto
  8. Maxime Genoud
  9. Diego Guilloud
  10. Gabriel Hyden
  11. Montre Livingston


  1. Chihiro Azuma
  2. Armelle Tisler
  3. Patrycja Najda
  4. Daniela Andrea Salgado Martinez
  5. Mery Munoz
  6. Emi Parejo Escobar
  7. Misaki Katayama
  8. Liene Nulle


  1. Noboru Katayama
  2. Szymon Ziemicky
  3. Samuel Obst
  4. Valter Kreiss
  5. Max Arthur Collier
  6. Kristofers Rudzats
  7. Carl Emil Melander


  1. Sven Ischen
  2. Stefan Selders
  3. Nils Rinas
  4. Ren Fujiwara
  5. Andreas Johansson
  6. Tomasz Kwiecien
  7. Ilia Savosin
  8. Kamil Gruba
  9. Michael Müller
  10. Jan Fehlmann
  11. Jacob Jansson
  12. Jaylton Karllus
  13. Ivan Chanchikov
  14. Leandre Fabri
  15. Zachary Pollak


  • USD Best Trick Award: Dominic Bruce
  • Sola x Dead Most Creative Trick Award: Jacob Jansson
  • Skatepro Best Sign Award: Pascal Gastrock

Judging Winterclash is difficult. But just like every year, Winterclash judges took the time to write a detailed report about their work to give you an idea about the how, why and who. The extensive judging report can be found HERE as a .pdf. Judges: Friederike Charlotte Reisch (Ger), Michael Buhl Jonassen (DK), Sebastian Gruba (PL).

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Nouvelle Ligne - NL Contest 2019 (Strasbourg, France) - Results

Sun, May 26, 2019
Nouvelle Ligne - NL Contest 2019 (Strasbourg, France) - Results

Roller Street Pro

  1. Nicolas Servy
  2. Diako Diaby
  3. Joe Atkinson

Roller Street Girl

  1. Manon Derrien
  2. Léana Wirth
  3. Armelle Tisler

Roller Street Amateur

  1. Valentin Rivasseau
  2. Maurice Borr
  3. Alexandre Sapin Serra

Roller Halfpipe

  1. Takeshi Yasutoko
  2. Rich Parker
  3. Nicolas Mougin

Roller Spine

  1. Joe Atkinson
  2. Diako Diaby
  3. Nicolas Servy
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Winterclash 2019 - Full Results

Thu, Feb 28, 2019


  1. Joe Atkinson
  2. Domenic Bruce
  3. Maxime Genoud
  4. Martin Danning
  5. Soichiro Kanashima
  6. Tomasz Przybylik
  7. Yuto Goto
  8. Julien Cudot


  1. Felix Fälling
  2. Danilo Senna
  3. Lauric Picard
  4. Poema Kitseroo
  5. Ion Mihai
  6. Victor Nguyen
  7. Mario Jesus Pacia
  8. Bernards Gregors


  1. Mery Muñoz
  2. Misaki Katayama
  3. Manon Derrien
  4. Eve Jovino
  5. Emilia Parejo Escobar
  6. Armelle Tisler
  7. Liene Nulle
  8. Patrycja Najda
  9. Sara Vilella
  10. Aniek Kerkhofs


  1. Xavi Eguino
  2. Martin Walchsdorf
  3. Michael Witzemann
  4. Joseph Harvey
  5. Ren Fujiwara
  6. Tomasz Kwiecien
  7. John Vossoughi
  8. Kalleo Ippolito
  9. Franck Steve
  10. Justas Karcauskas


  • USD Best Trick: Joe Atkinson (UK): Backslide Up to ice pick at the pointy end of the Rail 270 out to fakie (Roces Wall-Rail)
  • SkatePro Most Creative Trick: Eugen Enin : Bs Farv Up – No Future Air (legs in the air on both sides of the rail) – Royale Down (SkatePro rail)
  • K2 skates Best Newcomer: Misaki Katayama

Check the Judging Report on Winterclash.com by Friederike Charlotte Reisch (Ger), Michael Buhl Jonassen (DK) & Sebastian Gruba (PL).

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Bladies at Winterclash 2018 - Bladies TV Edit

Mon, Mar 12, 2018
Bladies at Winterclash 2018 - Bladies TV Edit

Bladies from different countries putting their skates together to give their best tricks for the world to see. Featuring: Mery Muñoz, Sara Vilella, Chihiro Asuma, Manon Derrien, Kaili Randmae, Tais Colares, Liene Nulle, Coralie Tan, Tisler Armelle, Eva Smejkalova, Lula Varela, Dannyela Guerrero, Jemma Douch, Aniek Kerkholfs, Rosie O´Donogue.

Bladies at Winterclash 2018 - Bladies TV Edit

Music: Usumuna - Flèche Love.

Main Camera: Bgris Factory. Extra cameras: Martin Bommeli & Daniel Loft. Edition: Mery Muñoz. Color Grading: Bgris Factory.

Bladies TV is Mery Muñoz, profesional inline skater, high level athlete and Álvaro Pérez, graduate in audiovisual communication.

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Armelle Tisler (17, France) - USD + Grindhouse Welcome Edit (2018)

Mon, Jan 15, 2018
Armelle Tisler (17, France) - USD + Grindhouse Welcome Edit (2018)

Armelle Tisler is now riding for USD and Grindhouse. Welcome to the teams Armelle. Here is a park edit filmed in Marignane (France) in January 2018. Enjoy!

Armelle Tisler (17, France) - USD + Grindhouse Welcome Edit (2018)

Previously: Armelle Tisler (16, France) - Switzerland + France, 2017 Clips.

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Armelle Tisler (16, France) - Switzerland + France, 2017 Clips

Wed, Nov 15, 2017
Armelle Tisler (16, France) - Switzerland + France, 2017 Clips

Filmed in Bordeaux, Dijon, Marignane, Marseille, Perpignan (France) & Lausanne (Switzerland).

“C’est Armelle Tisler. Voici mon edit 2017 avec mes meilleurs tricks filmes a Bordeaux, Dijon, Marignane, Marseille, Perpignan (France) et egalement Lausanne (Suisse)!"

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Armelle Tisler (France, 16) - Park Session in Gap (2017) - Clips

Thu, Oct 5, 2017
Armelle Tisler (France, 16) - Park Session in Gap (2017) - Clips

Armelle Tisler is young and talented, here are some clips of a session at the skatepark of Gap in France, shot for Complo Clothing.

Armelle Tisler (France, 16) - Park Session in Gap (2017) - Clips

Previously: Armelle Tisler (16) - Park Clips in Bordeaux (France, 2017).

Photo by Sebastien Audige (Votrevieenmouvements.fr), courtesy of Armelle Tisler.

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Armelle Tisler (16) - Park Clips in Bordeaux (France, 2017)

Wed, Jul 5, 2017
Armelle Tisler (16) - Park Clips in Bordeaux (France, 2017)

Bordeaux, park clips. Filmed by Carla Pasqui.

Armelle Tisler (16) - Park Clips in Bordeaux (France, 2017)

Complo Clothing 2017. Photo.

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Blading Wiki, a wiki dedicated to Inline Skating

Rollerblading Gems

Niko Salaman (2024) by Mark Worner

Nathan Bentley - Drown (2024) - Solo Street Sessions

Tallboyz - Crabcakes & Football | Maryland/DC/VA Tour Video (2024)

'CARRER' - A Furtius Video by Ferran Laparra (Spain)

Cougar Skates - Paris - Julien Cudot & Lenny Jourda

Mesmer Tiki - Levi van Rijn, John Bolino, Billy O'Neill, Ichi  & Friends

WEAK KNIGHTS // Josiah Blee & Jake Dotson

Cameron Talbott in 'Dos Dias' - A video by Cody Lampman

Mount Average [Rollerblading Video] - LUDUS Skaterblade - Vienna (Austria, 2024)

Alex Burston - In a Bit (Stockport, UK)

Jacob Juul and Storm (LOW Skate Academy) - Trigger Street Edit

OWC presents 'Orange: Mathieu Ledoux and Charles Nantel'

OG (more)

Jon Julio - Bridges, by Brian Freeman - S1EP4 - Documentary

Vincent - A documentary by Ivan Narez-Hurtado

Mike French - Back Like I Never Left

Vince Camarillo Section - Bay Area - JSF Edit

Big Wheels (more)

Tallboyz - OPS2 - Big Wheel Blading Edit

Leon Basin and Stuart Brattey - Wizard Base and Wizard Base High

Astral Blade x FTS (2022) with Pat Ridder, Sandro Gruenheid, Dominik Stransky & Friends - Big Wheels

Skaters: | Joe Atkinson | Brian Aragon | Chihiro Azuma | Carlos Bernal | Beat Schillmeier | Sam Crofts | John Bolino | Alex Broskow | Julien Cudot | Warren Digne | Richie Eisler | Eugen Enin | Chris Farmer | Demetrios George | Mathieu Heinemann | Nils Jansons | Montre Livingston | Nick Lomax | Franky Morales | Mery Muñoz | Mathias Silhan | Brian Shima | Soichiro Kanashima | Chynna Weierstall | Takeshi Yasutoko

Skate Brands: Adapt | Deshi | Faction | Gawds | Iqon | Nimh | Razors | Roces | Seba | SSM | Them | Trigger | USD |