Starting 2018 with a Tour in Europe, the skater Gabriel Nunes takes advantage of various street structures in those beautiful cities of Europe!
Music: The Drum - The Seige.
Camera: Alisson Martins, Tais Colares & Igor Medeiros. Edited by Seba Brazil. Locations: Amsterdam, Paris, Lyon & Barcelona.
Ladies and Gents, once again we are coming back with great news and the announcement of a new event of the Shred Da Ground Series this year in 2018. After two great events held in our French capital of Paris, this time we are going abroad for the first time and we’ll set sail to Amsterdam for this year’s next event on June 9!
2017 Official Edit by Cavin Brinkman (Results) Photo: Maxime Hillairaud.
We have been going with the Shred series for four years now, and after the success of our last event we have decided to export our contest to Amsterdam with the support of the local blading scene. It was time for us to visit other countries and push the adventure forward ; with “Shred Da Ground” media coverage already strong beyond the borders of France thanks to the participation of Eugen Enin 2016 and Sam Crofts in 2017.
Our shared love for blading keeps growing everyday, and as Paris’ last events gathered so much euphoria and excitement, our wish is to share such great times with bladers from all over Europe, for the love of the passion gathering us ; which, after all, builds the common grounds of our lifestyles. Amsterdam is a European capital that has already held prestigious street comps that didn’t go unnoticed, such as the infamous IMYTA or the “Real Street Contest” series; it is on to us now to keep those positive energies alive.
That is why this year again we are coming to ask for your support because all the riders, photographers and cameramen all deserve to be rewarded, because without them attending the events we wouldn’t be where we are now and because we need them to keep on living and sharing such great times.
Crowdfunding for the event |
Event on Facebook
- you can also send stuff at Tom Thieuleux’s house : 15 rue Saint Vincent de Paul, 75010 PARIS.
“Dear Rollernews. I found an old harddisk with some legendary lost and unseen clips of Edwin Wieringh, Daan Hegt, Tyron Ballantine and many more. Me and Thijs Tel made this edit and in our eyes it’s the ultimate throwback section of the Amsterdam scene (most footage is filmed in 2010-2011)”. - Pascal Tan.
Featuring Dick Heerkens, Randy Abels, Martin Danning, Davy Wouda, Levi van Rijn, Remco van der Pol & Pascal Tan.
Music: Yung Internet - Free Wifi, Thundercat - Uh Uh, JonWayne - 1 for kutmah, Trust - Bulbform.
Adam moved (for female reasons) from Dublin to Amsterdam 1,5 years ago. 1 year ago i met him at the skatepark of Amsterdam and i liked how he skated, i asked him if he skated street and his reply was music to my ears “i rather skate street than park i have no idea why i go here all the time”.
So the next day i took him out skating with Russell Day and me and we filmed his ender trick and from that trick on i knew i should make him a small section. In between al my travels for the Adapt movie and his work at This Is Soul we skated Amsterdam. After 1 year i decided to finish it so we can start a new project with my new cameras.
Lady and gentleman i give you Adam the Polish leprechaun. I am happy he moved to Amsterdam because not only i have a motivated guy to film again, Adam also became a true friend. - Cavin Brinkman.
Featuring Edwin Wieringh (1983-2015), Pascal Tan, Randy Abels, Tyron Ballantine & Remy Schmidt.
Music by Shroom. Music mix by DJ P-Trickz (Bandcamp). Dedicated to Edwin Wieringh (1983-2015). Visit
Had a day chilling in Amsterdam at the Urban Sports Week. - Mark Worner.
Report, Edits & Results: Urban Sports Week Amsterdam.
Philip Moore came to Amsterdam hungry, not just for cheese pizza but for clips. And lots of them. Phil and Cavin Brinkman put in serious work and came out with this gem of a promo for Philip’s newest pro wheel. Phil as always comes through with the mind boggling tricks and his dirty south style.
Last week the Urban Sports Week Amsterdam offered non mainstream sports a platform to showcase themselves to spectators from all over the world. Inline skating took over the spine ramp and the park with riders from all over Europe.
On Saturday Danny Aldridge from the UK finished 1st at the Spineramp contest. Danny dominated with smooth lines, technical grind and massive flips.
On Sunday, which was literally a Sunny day, The crowd gathered in front of the Stedelijk Museum to watch the inline park finals. The skaters all went berserk and huge tricks were done during the competition.
The Bronze medal went to Dutch street and park talent Sem Croft, Silver is for Jeremy Suarez from Belgium and the winner, who went home with €1.000,- is Romain Godenaire from France.
Special shout out to Jaro Frijn from Amsterdam who represented hard AF. What a great week for urban sports and inline skating in particular. We can’t wait till next year, which will be bigger, faster and harder. - Sven Boekhorst.
More Media: Inline skating Highlights by Jeff Hofstede + Results.