This is my street profile called Chaotic Calm, filmed in London, UK from September 2023 to May 2024. - Zakk Helsing.
Filmed by Elouen Besnard-Ferrec, Danielle McCloskey and Billy Murton. Music by A Whisper in the Noise. Photos by Brandon Ballog.
This is my street profile called Chaotic Calm, filmed in London, UK from September 2023 to May 2024. - Zakk Helsing.
Filmed by Elouen Besnard-Ferrec, Danielle McCloskey and Billy Murton. Music by A Whisper in the Noise. Photos by Brandon Ballog.
Bodega Boys correspondents Justin Brasco & Mike Torres spend a week in London studying British bodega lore whilst skating with some mateys.
Main Camera: Mike Torres, Joe Spray & Tom Sharman. Featuring: Justin Brasco Mike Torres Mike Welland, Dan Birch, Sam Crofts & Neil Ingall. Photography: Tom Sharman. Edit: Mike Torres. Music: The Matthew Herbert Big Band.
INFERNO Vol. 1 finds Bobi Spassov and Cody Lampman skating the streets of London during seven days of straight mayhem. Not your ordinary brand welcome video.
Shot by the talented Eryk Eryk Pilch. Cut by Cody Lampman.
The Birth of Inferno by Cody Lampman
“Bobi and I met at a small contest in London. Like many others, I had been a fan of his skating for half a decade. Meeting in person, we bonded over a few shared ideals, our sobriety, and our similar approaches to making edits.
I appreciate humility and authenticity above all else. Bobi embodies these two adjectives in full. He is as comfortable with a beginner skater as he is talking to the legends. He is more fully a representation of our culture than many of the “pros” I know, who are more concerned with their image than interacting with the next generation.
He is also the hardest-working skater I have ever met. […] - Cody Lampman.
Bobi Spassov Playlist
Inferno Playlists asks your favorite skaters to create custom mixes based on their favorite artists, parts, movies and overall inspirations. Our first mix is by Inferno co-founder and style god Bobi Spassov. Read on to find one hell of a hard mix.
Sessions throughout 2021, shot in London. Featuring the skating of Jorgen Nijman, Matt Smith, Simon Isles, James Keyte, James Bower, Sam Crofts, Leon Humphries, Michal Pupava, Tom Sharman, Matt Stewart, Ben Walker, Andy Spary, Danielle McCloskey, Dan Birch, Neil Ingall, Blake Bird, Joe Harvey, Mike Welland, Jamie Ramsay, Charlie Ramsay, Billy Murton, Nick Bone, Brian Barron & Joe Spray.
Additional camera: Joe Spray. Music: Sam Zircon, Kikagaku Moyo, Mogwai & Hugh Mundell.
Two hours of bails, fails, unused clips, b-roll and all the behind the scenes action from Sam Crofts latest USD Aeon pro skate promo.
All shot in London UK, during Summer 2020. Film & Edited by Jon Lee. Additional filming by Luke Thompson, Harry Abel, Joe Spray, LH.
USD Aeon Sam Crofts II - 710168 - Thumbnail shots by: Tom Sharman.