Wish you were here, featuring: Justin Chad Anthony & Friends. A video by theskatecompany.
Chad Anthony is running a podcast called Skatepod, feel free to check the latest episodes on Spotify.
Wish you were here, featuring: Justin Chad Anthony & Friends. A video by theskatecompany.
Chad Anthony is running a podcast called Skatepod, feel free to check the latest episodes on Spotify.
Skatepod 30 featuring Tom Hyser. Somehow within two hours, Tom Hyser was able fill in some pretty big blanks. Obviously Pun intended! Hang out with me & the boss, as we take it back to 1975 & a learn how a young art influenced boy moved from Georgia to Wisconsin one year, and brought back home to Roswell aggro skating. Seriously, Thank God his mom became homesick & they went back to GA. Where would we be with out The Fatty’s or the Fastslide or the digital takeover of Skatepile or freestyle jam session of Superhick or Blank skate products or Fiziks frames, or sheesh really anything Tom has done for street skating. - Justin Chad Anthony.
Check Skatepod Episode 30 with Tom Hyser on Spotify | Video on Instagram.
Featuring: Reed Huston, Ryan Benner, Logan Oleson, Wesley Baughman, & Chad Anthony. Filmed on the 21k by Steven Tat & Doug Williams.
Featuring skating by Jeremy Soderburg, Scott Hatton, Doug Williams, & Chad Anthony. Music: “Spit Tune” by Jordan Young.
The Skate Company, ripping a park. Visit Theskate.company.
Previously: The Skate Company - Lean on Me (2022).
Real friends, don’t let friends skate sad alone. Three sessions at an indoor park called Ty’s. Featuring maneuvers by Chad Anthony, Doug Williams, Brad Anthony, Jimbo Hawkins, Scott Hatton, & Steven Tat. With an appearance from Troy Cramer. S/O to THEMSKATES for making quality extreme skates.
Visit Theskate.company.