Filmed by Piotrek Gbyl, additional filming: Martin Danning, Michal Kalisciak, Igor Mrówa & Daniel Jurzyna. Edited by Seba DżbikDzbik. Graphics: Sabina Szkarłat. visuals: Ysa Parrini. Music: They Are Gutting a Body of Water - a wasp appears.
Filmed by Piotrek Gbyl, additional filming: Martin Danning, Michal Kalisciak, Igor Mrówa & Daniel Jurzyna. Edited by Seba DżbikDzbik. Graphics: Sabina Szkarłat. visuals: Ysa Parrini. Music: They Are Gutting a Body of Water - a wasp appears.
Burza Torden - Matka Boza (2022) with Martin Danning, Levi van Rijn, Seba Dzbik & Friends. All filmed in Poland (Trailer).
Burza Torden - Matka Boza (2022) with Martin Danning, Levi van Rijn, Seba Dzbik & Friends. All filmed in Poland.
SHADE: comparative darkness and coolness, caused by shelter from direct sunlight. Video released much earlier than I thought. I had a few more ideas to implement but due to injuries I had to finish it now. Through my rollerblading career I have never been through something like that. Probably I wont be back in 2 to 3 months. Sick! That’s my the longest break from rollerblading. Below is a description of this tragic event.
It happened at the weekly skatepark meeting. I tried to do a dizaster from the quarter to the rail. After a few tries I slipped and my ankle just turned in the other direction and I fell on it, heard a bone crash. The next day I went to the hospital - the tibia was broken. Now I have a cast on my leg for 5-6 weeks. Later, I will face a long process of bone fusion, and then certainly painstaking rehabilitation.
If you would like to support me in rehabilitation, here is a link to my paypal. I would be really grateful for any help. Stay safe! I want to thank all the people who were involved in this vid. - Seba.
Cut by Seba Dzbik. Filmed by Marcin Chmielarski, Paweł Fijał, Michał Kaliściak, Adam Olejniczak. Visuals from movie ‘Debbie Does Damnation’. Letters by Kuba Partyka. Music: Twin Tribes - ‘FANTASMAS’.
Previously: Tofu Chicken Bowl (2021) - Burza Torden x Ludus Edit by Stephan Mohr.
Thanks to everyone who was on the other side of the camera. - Seba Dzbik. Music: Bzdet - Zwątpienie.
After the B-Roll CPH, Seba Dzbik, Levi van Rijn, Piotrek Gbyl and Julia Komenda spent 5 days of skating, drinking Tuborgs and enjoying the city of Copenhagen.
Editing: Piotrek Gbyl. Filming: Seba Dzbik Piotr Gbyl. Additional filming: Levi van Rijn, Cavin Brinkman. 35mm photography: Seba Dzbik. Digital photography: Aleksander Czernikowski. Music: Traitrs - Daughters Lie in Empty Fields, Crime of Passing - World on Fire.