“Filmed back in 2016, I thought this edit was lost for good. This was shot right before a Too Cold To Blade Outside Event”. - Brandon Andersen.
Featuring: Brad Anthony, Adam Bazydlo, Patrick Andersen, Steven Tat, Joey Adams & Friends.

“Filmed back in 2016, I thought this edit was lost for good. This was shot right before a Too Cold To Blade Outside Event”. - Brandon Andersen.
Featuring: Brad Anthony, Adam Bazydlo, Patrick Andersen, Steven Tat, Joey Adams & Friends.
Moments in Time has been out for just under two months, so I felt it was time to show the clips that didn’t make the cut for the film. Either poorly filmed or just didn’t fit right in the final product. Hope you enjoy! - Brandon Andersen.
Moments in Time, a VOD by Brandon Andersen, featuring Josh Appleton, Ryan Timms, Adam Bazydlo, Patrick Andersen, Jon Fromm and so many more (out on Sellfy ).
The King Of Cleveland 2021 by Aaron Schultz. Featuring: Ryan Parker, Philip Moore, Luke Rappa, Tri Tri-Rudolf, Cody Reffner, Danail Gantchev, Luke Naylor, Adam Bazydlo, Brad Magnuson, Yandriel Silverio, Brian Bruno, Austin Loomis, Hayden Ball, Brad Anthony, Nick Doherty & more.
More Media: Edit by Hawke Trackler | Raw Clips by Aaron Schultz | Full Results - Visit Bladecle.org.
If you watched Moments in Time by Brandon Andersen then you know a lot of this stuff was in that video. These were clips i had filmed throughout the year on my travels and in my area and i wanted to create a little recap of 2017! This was filmed in Atlanta, San Diego, Los Angeles, And the Soflo area! - Patrick Andersen.
Featuring Julian Garcia, Josh Appleton, Daniel Henderson, Dj Dacosta, Jon Fromm, Adam Bazydlo, Robbie Squire, Evert Lubja, Russell Day, Pablo Porta & more!
As all of my friends get older everyone acquires new hobbies and lifestyles making it difficult to meet up and session like the old days.
So when these sessions happen there is something really special about 12-15 of your friends showing up to a skatepark to just remind each other of the good times we used to have. - Brandon Andersen.
It’s hard to type words about your own brother and to keep it simple he really strived to put together a solid section.
Needless to say I think he did that. His section is full of hammers and just having fun. We had talked about his ender as soon as the video came to fruition and he delivered!
Since we are brothers we tend to use the holiday’s to our benefit since we are both on the same schedule. So, it only seemed right to release his section from “Moments in Time” on Thanksgiving.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving and Enjoy. If you still want to support the project check the project on Sellfy ($2.50). - Brandon Andersen.
Moments in Time, a VOD by Brandon Andersen, featuring Josh Appleton, Ryan Timms, Adam Bazydlo, Patrick Andersen, Jon Fromm and so many more.
Moments in Time, PLAY: Ryan Timms Section | Josh Appleton Section | Leftovers | Teaser. Support Brandon Andersen: Video on Sellfy ($2.50).