Mesmer Team Skate II - Promo Pic: Marc Moreno - Backslide.

Photo: David Montes Aldea.

“Introducing the Mesmer TS1, our very first team skate. Our white boot Mesmer TS1 is a recreation of the original PU compound, to provide an optimal skating experience, while making the best possible price for the consumer”. More Photos (Instagram). Visit Mesmerskates.com.
The Dominic Bruce pro skate is available for preorder ($399, 380€). Expected to ship before the end of this month. Visit Mesmerskates.com.
Mesmer Pro: John Bolino, Dominic Bruce, Marc Moreno, Levi van Rijn - Mesmer founder: Billy O’Neill.
Picture of the day: Carlos Bernal - Topsoul to Topsoul. Photo by Miguel Triano | Larger picture on Imgur (via).
You can check this trick in this Undercover Carlos Bernal promo video | Larger picture of the USD Carbon Team XVIII Skates.
USD Update: The New USD Aeon are about to arrive in the shops. Larger Pictures: Aeon 80 | Aeon 72 | Aeon 60.