Sam Crofts - Crofty IV, shot on location in Hamburg, Germany. Main Camera & Edit by Karsten Boysen, Second Camera: Benjamin Buttner, Animator: George Coffery, Animation Assistance: Thomas Moyse.
Sam Crofts - Crofty IV, shot on location in Hamburg, Germany. Main Camera & Edit by Karsten Boysen, Second Camera: Benjamin Buttner, Animator: George Coffery, Animation Assistance: Thomas Moyse.
In the summer of 2020, there was a window of time that allowed travel between Denmark and Germany. Quinny & Boysen utilized this opportunity to hang out, skate, and film… This then developed into multiple trips through Hamburg, Copenhagen & Aarhus. After jumping the hurdles of hospital trips, restricted travel, broken cameras, and a newborn, they got there in the end.
Take a trip through the “Seasons”. A video by Karsten Boysen. Music: Intro - Yves Ardelt. Main Song: Vague - Far Away. **Graphics: Jonas Bødtker.
Official Aftermovie for the Xmas Jam, 2021 Edition which took place on 11th December 2021 in Hamburg, Germany @ iPunkt Skateland. An Aalglatt® event by Vollkornblading™.
Camera: Karsten Boysen, Jaimie-Lee Bormann. Edit: Karsten Boysen, Marc Nickel. Graphics: Pawel Wieleba.
Under The Coping - Results
1st Undergrind: Lino Bach
Symetrics x Vollkornblading Ballercross
Sgt. Snakes’ Castle
Grindhouse Cash4Trick (Big Tricks): Bastian Thüring, Patrick Krämer & Jo Zenk.
Le SOIR Berlin Ikarus Cup
Vollkornblading Blade Roulette
Blading Kanzler 2021 (elected by vote) & new German Champions: Tebbe Siems & Tom Thielebein. Overall Spielo Queen: Aniek Kerkhofs. Spielo King: Sem Croft.
More Media: X-Mas Jam 2021, the Most Fun Contest Ever - Thisissoul Edit | Cash 4 Trick Contest by Patrick Kramer.
Vollkornblading presents Æhrensache. A full-length, all-street crewvideo showcasing a large part of the Hamburg rollerblading scene. With two years in the making it features profiles by Pawel Wieleba, Karsten Boysen, Marc Nickel, Niko Thielebein and Julian Gameiro Alves as well as some very special guests. 100% healthy and way too serious for your daily diet.
Vollkornblading präsentiert Æhrensache. Das erste full-length, all-street Video aus Hamburg seit fast zehn Jahren! Ausgewogene Kost und körnige Bilder garantiert. Neben zahlreichen Special Guests und Freunden gibt es Profiles von Pawel Wieleba, Karsten Boysen, Marc Nickel, Niko Thielebein und Julian Gameiro-Alves. Beste Unterhaltung für alle, die es sehr ernst nehmen alles nicht so ernst zu nehmen.
A rainy day at the USD/ Powerslide HQ turned into a chocolate flavored skatepark session with USD’s Eugen Enin & Sam Crofts, thanks to Bayreuth’s Schokofabrik. Luckily, Daniel Enin & Mark Heuss captured some moves of the two, including a quick guest appearance of Mister Borklyn Zoo himself.
“Last month I popped out to HQ to address a few things… Hoped to blade outside but it rained everyday, luckily Eugen Enin, Daniel Enin and I managed to link up with Mark Heuss and grab a quick hour at the local indoor park. Cheers to the owners for letting us have the place to ourselves for a bit!” - Sam Crofts.
Visit Schoko-bayreuth.de
Delfon Dio, A film by Karsten Boysen & Benjamin Buttner.
“So, you take the dirt track, take a BMX dirt track, and then just dip it in concrete… Fondue, you know? And there it is: bee hive”. - David Sizemore.
For our three week trip to Greece, we didn’t plan many locations, but this was one was a must do! Featuring: Scott Quinn, Carson Starnes, Chris Farmer, Josh Glowicki, Joe Atkinson, David Sizemore, Dominik Wagner, Chris Smith & Richie Eisler.
Thank you to everyone who bought Delfon Dio so far! All the profits are being used to put right back into the next big Cayenne trip coming up very soon :) Go get the video at Thecayenneproject.com and help us fund the next one! Special thanks for letting us skate your paradise Nikos! If you wanna learn more about Andros Island, go to Bluenigma.com.
Delfon Dio, More Media - PLAY: Premiere Tour | Trailer | Teaser.