A few hits with Json Adriani during a recent visit to the states. Filmed by: Jp Primiano (butterTV) & Marco Valera.
Previously: Json Adriani - 10 Year Anniversary With Razors Skates (2021).
A few hits with Json Adriani during a recent visit to the states. Filmed by: Jp Primiano (butterTV) & Marco Valera.
Previously: Json Adriani - 10 Year Anniversary With Razors Skates (2021).
Bodega Boys and friends luxuriating in the sun, even in the winter. Skaters: Silvia Kambouridis, Jeremy Raff, Robby Silcox, Augusto Castillo, Hector Gonzalez, Miguel Ramos, Ariel Surun, Mike Schmitt, Alex Ryerson Sean Kelso, Justin Brasco, Mike Torres, Greg Carideo, Anthony Esquivel, Kevin Wielechowski, Andrew Nemiroski, Sam Leviton, Geoff Levy & Brendan Brown.
Main Camera: Jeremy Raff, Mike Torres & Augusto Castillo. Editor: Jeremy Raff. Locations: New York City, Philadelphia, New Haven, Hartford & Hudson Valley. Music: Witch, Joy Orbison, Pearson Sound & Cory Hanson. Check this amazing photo/ video collage on Instagram.
The Mesmer team is back in New York City and brought the whole team this time. Mesmer NYC: Volume 1 is just the first installment of a series of videos to come from the Mesmer team in the Big Apple. The entire team made it out for this one, as well as some new friends.
Featuring: Dominic Bruce, John Bolino, Marc Moreno, Levi van Rijn, Martin Danning, Dennis Lopez, Gabriel Adriani, James Kobryn, Billy O’Neill, Luis Corrales, Amber Rivera, Matty Schrock, Taylor Popham & Devin Szydlowski. Filmed by: Taylor Kobryn. Additional cameras: Martin Danning, Levi Van Rijn, Marc Moreno. Edited by: Taylor Kobryn & Marc Moreno. Titles by Pablo Estarriaga.
The Bodega Boys present: CASH ONLY (trailer). DIRECTED BY Jeremy Raff & Mike Torres. Featuring: Alex Ryerson, Justin Brasco, Augusto Castillo, Christian Delfino, Robby Silcox, Mike Torres, Jeremy Raff, Edwin Rodriguez, Ariel Surun, Geoff Levy, Anthony Esquivel, Greg Carideo, Julian Garcia & Sam Leviton.
MAIN CAMERA: Augusto Castillo, Jeremy Jeremy Raff, Alex Alex Ryerson & Mike Mike Torres. EDITING: Jeremy Raff & Mike Torres. ASSISTANT EDITOR: Augusto Castillo. COLOR: Edwin Rodriguez. ART DIRECTION: Mike McMullen. MUSIC: Tasaday, Sassy 009, Camouflage Large, Waylon Jennings, Dali Muru & The Polyphonic Swarm, Ruth, Armand Hammer, Yeek, Near Paris, Section 25 & Beastie Boys.
Previously: Enter the Bodega (NYC, 2021) by Mike Torres - Full Video.
New York City | Puerto Rico | Arizona - Never pressured for a deadline, we began this project during the height of the pandemic and slowly gathered clips over a two year period whether it was meeting up for an hour to get a quick clip on a street lamp that fell down in the middle of a highway or booking a trip to another state to take it easy and get what we can when we felt like it.
Nothing short of good times with Austin Paz, the multiple people that tagged along with us through this piece, and the many slices of pizza that came with it. Cheers! - butterTV.
Check the Photo Gallery on ButterTV.com.