Get excited! Franky Morales Invitational 4 is back on October 7th returning to Skatebird Miami (IG). We’re gonna make this one our biggest event yet. This time we’ll be presenting a Juniors comp along with the Mens, Bladies, & the Quad competition! Make sure you register and book your tickets and hotels now while prices are low! Can’t wait to see everyone out here, let’s go! Big shout out to Jake Lee for the artwork, came out crazy!
Official Website:
This weekend was a reunion of the skating fam! Here’s a quick edit I made on the plane ride home. So much of my upbringing came from the skating community. It’s very dear to my heart. Enjoy! - Brazilionaire.
More Media:
Montgomery Monsters Edit |
Coverage by Ghetto Community.
- Diako Diaby
- Korey Waikiki
- Jon Fromm
- Chynna Weierstall
- Daniela Salgado
- Sammy Riesco
- Angela Casale
- Dean Lemessy
- Derek Rosenbauer
Best Trick: Pablo Porta.
Photos & Results: Chris Edwards (IG).
First Annual Franky Morales Invitational at Lot 11 Skatepark (Miami, November 20th) - Edit by Montgomery Monsters. Photo.
Men Results
- John Bolino
- Jon Fromm
- Damon Franklin
- Martina Svobodova
- Daniela Saldago
- Korina Calderon
- Spicey Ivey
- Angel Lopez
- Erica Denis
Best Trick: Zack Pollack.
Here is the flyer for the Shred Da Ground, 2023 Edition in Paris la Défense. Time to update your schedule! Via Instagram.
We are happy to announce you the next edition of the @shreddaground July 1, 2023 in Paris in the « La Défense » district, through this magnificent flyer created by the artist and long-time rollerblader Max Dhum. Book your dates, your tickets, prepare your best tricks and be there to rock the asphalt all together once again in the streets of the french capital, for the oldbladers, for the youngblood and for the love of blading! A big thank you to our many industry partners who responded in large numbers this year and without who none of this would be possible. Stay tuned, more information coming very very soon! Peace and love.
Après de longs mois de préparation nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer la prochaine édition du @shreddaground le 01/07/23 à Paris dans le quartier de la Défense, à travers ce magnifique flyer réalisé par l’artiste et rollerblader de longue date @max.dhum. Réservez vos dates, vos billets, préparez vos meilleurs tricks et soyez au rendez-vous pour faire vibrer le bitume tous ensemble encore une fois dans les rues de la capitale, pour les anciens, pour les jeunes générations et pour l’amour du roller de rue! Un grand merci à nos multiples partenaires de l’industrie ayant répondus nombreux cette année et sans qui rien de tout cela ne serai possible. Restez à l’affût d’autres informations arrive très très vite! Paix et amour