Another day in Barcelona, shooting with Xavi Eguino for Unlabelled. The session was hijacked by a group of kids from the hood, and it was fun! Visit Unlabelled.media.
Another day in Barcelona, shooting with Xavi Eguino for Unlabelled. The session was hijacked by a group of kids from the hood, and it was fun! Visit Unlabelled.media.
One session, Blading Spain in Barcelona with Michael Müller from Germany featuring Xavi Eguino and Richard Vazquez. Filmed and edited by Gaets Krop. Music: Egoby - “Neo Tokyo”.
Previously: Michael Muller (Germany) - Undercover Street Edit (June 2022).
Nick Lomax, Sam Crofts, Mery Muñoz, Carlos Bernal & Xavi Eguino got together for a session at the Skatepark Zona Franca in sunny Barcelona, Spain (PLAY).
Filmed and edited by Gaets Krop in Barcelona, Spain. Additional camera: Michel Prado. Visit Unlabelled-girls.com
Tais Colares from Brazil is well known in the world of rollerblading for her unique style of skating, technical grinds and low stances. We are glad to bring you this video filmed in Barcelona, Spain.
Main camera & edit: Gaets Krop, additional footage: Gabriel Nunes. Track: Unknown Brain - Why Do I? (ft. Bri Tolani) [NCS Release].
Carlota is part of the “Iron Girls” crew alongside her friends Sara Vilella & Emilia Parejo. As we are all based in the city of Barcelona, we decided to film a session so she gets a good edit at her local skatepark of Castelldefels.
Music: Koven - Looking For More [NCS10 Release]. Visit Unlabelled-girls.com.