A video by Mike Torres featuring Cody Lampman.
Bodega Boys and friends luxuriating in the sun, even in the winter. Skaters: Silvia Kambouridis, Jeremy Raff, Robby Silcox, Augusto Castillo, Hector Gonzalez, Miguel Ramos, Ariel Surun, Mike Schmitt, Alex Ryerson Sean Kelso, Justin Brasco, Mike Torres, Greg Carideo, Anthony Esquivel, Kevin Wielechowski, Andrew Nemiroski, Sam Leviton, Geoff Levy & Brendan Brown.
Main Camera: Jeremy Raff, Mike Torres & Augusto Castillo. Editor: Jeremy Raff. Locations: New York City, Philadelphia, New Haven, Hartford & Hudson Valley. Music: Witch, Joy Orbison, Pearson Sound & Cory Hanson. Check this amazing photo/ video collage on Instagram.
Them Skates presents Plus One | Alex Broskow. Alex Broskow in NYC. Filmed and edited by Mike Torres. Photography by Christian Delfino.
The Bodega Boys present: CASH ONLY (trailer). DIRECTED BY Jeremy Raff & Mike Torres. Featuring: Alex Ryerson, Justin Brasco, Augusto Castillo, Christian Delfino, Robby Silcox, Mike Torres, Jeremy Raff, Edwin Rodriguez, Ariel Surun, Geoff Levy, Anthony Esquivel, Greg Carideo, Julian Garcia & Sam Leviton.
MAIN CAMERA: Augusto Castillo, Jeremy Jeremy Raff, Alex Alex Ryerson & Mike Mike Torres. EDITING: Jeremy Raff & Mike Torres. ASSISTANT EDITOR: Augusto Castillo. COLOR: Edwin Rodriguez. ART DIRECTION: Mike McMullen. MUSIC: Tasaday, Sassy 009, Camouflage Large, Waylon Jennings, Dali Muru & The Polyphonic Swarm, Ruth, Armand Hammer, Yeek, Near Paris, Section 25 & Beastie Boys.
Previously: Enter the Bodega (NYC, 2021) by Mike Torres - Full Video.
THEM JOURNAL NYC. Main Camera: Mike Torres. Additional Cameras: Sean Kelso, Hector Gonzalez, Alex Ryerson, Augusto Castillo. Edit: Mike Torres. Art Direction: Mike Mcmullen. Color: Edwin Rodriguez.
Featuring: Alex Broskow, Sean Darst, Danny Beer, Colin Kelso, Sean Kelso, John Vossoughi, Jon Julio, Collin Martin, Lien Chen, Parker Richardson, Andrew Nemiroski, Christian Delfino, Julian Garcia, Anthony Marchione & Mike Torres.
“Enter The Bodega” is a skate video shot in the streets of New York City in 2020 by Mike Torres. Featuring: Justin Brasco, Augusto Castillo, Mike Torres, Ariel Surun, Edwin Rodriguez, Tadd Labozzeta, Alex Ryerson, Robby Silcox, Christian Delfino, Jeremy Raff, & more. Release: 08.20.21.
Bodega (store), in American English referring primarily to convenience stores in New York City.