Mesmer - Dominic Bruce Pro Skate - Review by Ricardo Lino.
The Dominic Bruce pro skate is available for preorder ($399, 380€). Expected to ship before the end of this month. Visit Mesmerskates.com.
Mesmer is tremendously happy to bring our first project “RISING” to you. Movements sprawled across the streets of New York City, Madrid and Barcelona. Starring: John Bolino, Dominic Bruce, Levi van Rijn, Marc Moreno & Billy O’Neill. Produced by Mesmer skates brand. Filmed by Luis Corrales, Julian García, Teles Ángel, Marc Moreno. Edited by Marc Moreno. Motion Graphics: Carl Benny Robert, Theodor Reumert, John Bolino, Marc Moreno. Photography: David Montes Aldea, Beatriz Conde-Corbal, Óscar Prats.
I feel so happy to finally share this with the world and I couldn’t be more excited to have begun this journey with Mesmer Skates. Photo taken in Madrid by Oscar Prats. - Dominic Bruce.
I have been skating with MyFit liners for over 2 years now, and I have but good things to say about them. in 2017 MyFit released a new model, the MyFit Recall Liners, with memory foam technology, the same technology used on Salomon Inline skates. - Ricardo Lino.